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Tuesday 29 Apr

Today was a good break from the normal classroom briefings. We still had some classroom instruction, but we got to go out to the aircraft where some of the senior class folks showed us what a preflight is for this plane. That was a great distraction from the tediousness of the classroom stuff. I have to be honest, the academics (aircraft systems, etc) are coming fairly quick to me because of my Marine maintenance background. Don't get me wrong, though, it's definately NOT easy by any stretch of the word.

It's nice to get outside to the flightline; especially since we have no windows in our room (as mentioned by Sentry333). It also gives us a feeling of making at least a little bit of progress in this program.

Also, myself and Sentry333 are in the same flight, so if some of this is redundant, oh well. Just trying to provide a different perspective.

Oh, and after I'm done with PT and dinner, studying is pretty much the norm. Me and my buddy from the other flight were going over takeoffs, landings, and aircraft systems for a few hours. Now, it's time for bed. Early day starting at 0600 tomorrow!


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