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Wed May 7

Well, didn't fly again today. I think a few flights got out this morning, but the weather came in late morning and all flights were cancelled for the rest of the day. Good news was that our flight commander bumped another guy off the flight schedule who was supposed to do his 2nd or 3rd ride to put me on there. I was going to be one of the last flights of the day, but, as I mentioned before, the weather rolled in and it started raining.

I just studied all day, went out to one of the planes and practiced a preflight and chairflew what my mission would have been. Not a bad day overall. We got let out early and we have a Emergency Procedures Quiz (EPQ) tomorrow so I will be studying for that tonight. It's basically an online test that tests your knowledge of different systems and flight concepts, etc. Shouldn't be extremely difficult and you only need an 85% to pass, but i'm still going to study my butt off!


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Guest Titan


Are the planes prety much available to chair fly when ever you want? How many hours of studying a week would you say you do as a group and by yourself?



Yeah, there are always a few you can go and do a preflight or chairfly either in the maintenance hangar or on the ramp. You're best bet is going to be those in the hangar because most of the airplanes on the ramp are either flying or about to be flying.

I rarely study by myself; that being said, there are times when i'm in the flight room just looking over stuff by myself. I study with a buddy of mine for probably about 2 hours a night most of the time. I am also studying on sunday for a few hours.

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