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Wahoo! I forgot how much I love to fly! Even if it is just a Katana!

Anyway, had a blast, did well, and my IP was suggesting a proficiency advance (get me through the syllabus a lot faster). I guess that in some cases they don't let guys who finish early leave right then, they have to stick around. So, I figure if I have to be here, I might as well get the free flight time! So that's what I said.

For the first ride, the IP does EVERYTHING unless you ask to do some stuff. I asked for as much as I could get. I did screw up a radio call (totally blanked as soon as I said our callsign :thumbsup: ), but was pretty good with the rest of the stuff. Even greased a few landings! We spent some time in one of the training areas too, but after getting the basics down, I just flew around doing whatever for a while, B.S.'ing with my instructor, before we had to go back in for a full stop. We weren't allowed to do anything else, like slow flight, steep turns, etc... I asked.

After that, I studied for a bit in the flight room, and we had our first academic test at 1700. Almost everyone got high 90's or 100's, except for one failure. He gets to re-test tomorrow though, so should be fine. Really good guy, I hope it works out!!

That's about it. Some people got their second flight today, and others get their first tomorrow. They space it out so that not everyone will be doing their checkrides the same day, they have a limited number of people allowed to give them. So people are randomly selected to start flying early, and some later. I'm in the middle. It all works out in the end.

A bunch of us are going to check out Pirates...III tomorrow night, then a bunch more are going to check out the putt-putt in Pueblo on Saturday. And before anyone asks, we have already planned for the DD's for the putt-putt outing! Should be interesting.

This place ain't so bad!!!


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Karl Hungus


Pirates 3 sucked. Don't bother. Couple of questions: I'm assuming you wear flight suits while flying. Do you have to get them issued at your previous base or do they issue them there? What about getting rank and such sewed on? Also, what's the typical background of an IFS instructor- prior AF, civilian, hours, etc? Thanks for doing this blog man.



Yup, flight suits after the second day (blues before that). The DOSS website asks that you try to get 2 of them issued by your base, along with gloves and a summer-weight jacket. If you can't, they will give you all the stuff here. As for getting rank sewn on, if you get the stuff from your base, you need to get your rank and velcro sewn on yourself. They'll give you all your patches here.

As for the instructors, I would say it's probably a 50-50 split between prior military (mostly AF, but not all) and straight civilian. Regardless, they pretty much all have several thousand hours of flying time.

And thanks!!



Hey! We get in Sunday the 10th, you still be around?



You're coming here?? Sweet! Of course I'll be here! Who's this 'we' you speak of? PM me if you don't want to plaster names ll over the internet.

Just don't pull a repeat of your first test at ASBC...



Do they give you a big hassle if you can't get the flight gear from your base?



Nope, not at all. There's a checklist you have to fill out and e-mail to IFS. In it, you say if you need them to supply you with the gear and the sizes.

Not a big deal!



Jacka$$ =) Anyway, they're three guys that were at ASBC with us, I know you met one of them (scrawny little guy, like 120lbs sopping wet) and another kinda preppy one. The other was just a random guy that we met there that is stationed with us here at Altus. Keep up the flying ;)

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