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Weather cleared up around noonish today and got to do my dollar ride this afternoon! Pretty cool, but I need to put my nose in the books that much more now. That was my only free ride in T-6s and we just went out to the aux field and then to the area to tool around some. Came back after an hour flight and called it a day.

End of week 1 in phase II and so far so good! We get paid to do this stuff?!?!?! What a deal!

Have a great weekend!


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What was the difference in flying in the T-6 vs the Diamond DA 20 at IFS? Did you feel any queasiness? I read your blog with great interest. Thanks for posting. I know that your time is short with all you have on your plate, but try to include a little bit more specifics.



Well, the T-6 is a huge kick in the pants compared to the DA-20. So much more power and capabilities. Also, a lot more to keep track of in the T-6: retractable gear, speed brake, oxygen, helmet, etc. It's a lot more fun and a lot more work to stay ahead of the jet because you have less time to think and act. You could afford to be a little less knowledgeable in the DA-20, but here, you have to know the procedures very well.

I started to queasy a little bit, only because I hadn't eaten anything in a few hours. I think I would have been fine had I eaten a little bit more for lunch.

Thanks for the input! I'll do my best to include more. I read Riddller's blog with with as much interest as it sounds like you have in mine and I craved the details like you, so i'll try to do better.

If you like these blogs, you might check out Hamlett House. The guy is a C-17 pilot and made an extremely detailed blog of his UPT experience at Columbus. It's a little dated, as he flew the T-37, but still pretty neat to read. Kinda where I got the inspiration for this.

Any and all feedback is welcome for mine!

Guest Fuse


Congratz to you! Riddller gives excellent details through his whole experience but it's good to see a second view of the process.

Good luck for the rest of UPT.

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