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Wow, just wow

So none of us flew this morning because of fog. Spent some of the day studying for the next EPQ and manning the snacko. Well, I had been in there for about an hour or so and my flight commander came in there wondering what I was doing. Needless to say, I was supposed to fly with him a few minutes earlier. Well, I had mission data cards, but I didn't really have anything on them, and was totally unprepared for the entire flight.

Ugh, the whole flight was horrible. I was off altitude when I did fly, I couldn't get any checklists right, and i'm sure my radio calls were sub par. We get back and debrief and hands my ass to me (he wasn't mad, just telling me I need to improve in just about every aspect), but he gave me a good. I think he was being super generous, but he said a lot of my flying was about average for my second flight in the T-6. I took it like a champ and learned my lesson: be prepared for anything. Everyone who asks for some advice on this forum always get the "be flexible" and "be prepared for any flight you're opted for". THIS CANNOT BE EMPHASIZED ENOUGH!! Oh well, got through it, and next time will hopefully be better.

Went to drop night a little bit ago. Didn't sound like too bad of a drop...the place was packed, hot, and I could barely see what was going on. There was a couple C-17s to Charleston and one to McGuire, Some KC-135s, some T-6 and T-38 FAIPs, a couple UAVs, an AWACS, and a C-21 to Rammstein. I didn't get them all, but not too shabby if you ask me.

Enough for now; I'm tired and going to bed soon. Have a good weekend!


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