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Wahoo!! Started flying again today. I was scheduled for the last flights of the day, but saw this morning that the weather was supposed to get crappy. We had a guy get sick, though, who was supposed to fly at around noon. I let the scheduler know that I was behind a number of other students in the syllabus AND the weather was supposed to be bad for my flight. So, I surreptitiously suggested (50 cent word!!) that he schedule me for a double turn. He did it, but the weather was too bad for my second go. I at least got to fly once though!!

This flight went great as well. I had a blast and got to know my new IP. We shot the $hit a bit between touch-and-go's and generally had a good time.

The new class checked in yesterday and had their first round of briefings/classes today. It looks like they're following the same pattern as my class did at the beginning. You can read the beginning of the blog for all that.

Formal brief is still at 0610 every morning, and usually lasts until 0645-0700, with one or two students being called for stand-ups each morning. Usually it is one emergency procedure, and they let the 1st student take it until about halfway through. Then, if he's doing good, they will say, "OK, Lt Shmuckatelly, you can have a seat. Lt Bag-o-doughnuts, you have the aircraft. You may take over where Lt Shmuckatelly left off, or can change anything you want." If you're not doing so hot, they can either say, "Lt Shmuckatelly, remain standing, Lt Bag-o-doughnuts, you have the aircraft." or, "Sit down Lt Shmuckatelly. Lt Bag-o-doughnuts, you have the aircraft."

After brief, if you're flying right away, you start briefing with your IP. If not, you mission-plan for your flight, sit it on other briefs, go to the gym, or go to the cockpit trainer room to chair-fly. They don't really keep track of you otherwise.

Then, everybody is released when the last flight returns and are debriefing (you have to finish your debrief if you were on the last flight... obviously!!). We were done at 1530 today because of the weather.

So, that's still life in the flight phase at IFS, not a big deal!!

Post questions if you have them...3 (or so) weeks and counting!!


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