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Another fine day for flying!! My flight went good again, except for those stinkin' steep turns again!! I was fine a few weeks ago, and now they're back to crap!! Oh well, maybe next time. Also, this plane seems a bit more squirrelly when slipping it down for a landing than the -172 was... or maybe I just need to replace the nut that holds the stick!

Had some more storms this afternoon, and they're talking about moving our brief time up to 0510 (ugggh!!) to get us done earlier in the afternoon to avoid this problem. The problem is the chow hall doesn't open until 0530. If they change it, they have to reschedule ALL the civilian employees working there. We'll see...

Found out some fantastic news today...

I have Netflix at home, but wasn't about to change the mailing address for it (some people do, but my wife would probably be miffed). Anyway, Netflix now has a ton of movies available via streaming video! FREE if you have a subscription already!! I don't want to sound like an add for them, but considering the CRAPPY selection of movies and T.V. channels here, I've been bored as hell every evening. This is seriously good news for me!!



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