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UPT Complete!

Hey all, sorry I didn't post more details before this, they've had me flying my butt off since assignment night. The way it works after after your Nav check is this:

4 Formation flights

2 <Simulated> Air Drop flights

2 <Simulated> Air Refueling flights

1 Co-pilot flight

Then you have assignment night. If you assign to a plane which does air drop, then you have 3 more air drop flights, another co-pilot ride, and an air drop checkride. If you track to a tanker, it's the same except you do 3 air refueling rides and an air refueling checkride. If you FAIP or track to a plane which does neither (UAV, U-28, MC-12, C-21, etc...) then they just pick which track you finish out on. I did air drop since I'm going to the C-17, and let me tell you, air refueling flights are WAY easier to plan and fly!

Anyway, I had my checkride today, did very well, and now I'm done! Next Friday is graduation, where we actually get our wings, but for all intents and purposes, I'm done with UPT!! Woohoo!


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Congrats for a job well done>>>I've followed your blog since IFS and you get a HUGE "Atta Boy", again, well done!



Thanks all!

Guest Fuse


Just like DET and Welch I've followed your blog since IFS and have greatly appreciated your views and input. I think it has given a better understanding on what to expect when I get there. Big congrats to you.

Plan to keep up with the blogging post UPT?



eh, probably not. I don't know if anyone would be all that interested in my life at Altus for 4 months. From what I hear, it's fairly relaxed compared to UPT, more of a "big boy program". We'll see!

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