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Donuts anyone?

Well, still waiting on word on where and when i'll be going. Little bit of good news today, though: learned that i'll find out when and/or where i'll be heading either friday or next week sometime. Bad news about that is that, since the school is 2 years long or so, and each of the 10 guard bases where the training occurs can only accommodate 4 trainees each, i'll be sticking around here for another 2-3 months. Not bad in the grand scheme of things, but it would be nice to leave sooner rather than later.

Found out another few people from my class are on commander's review for flying stuff. 3 more of my class got added to the CR process within the last week. Yikes!

Hope everything is well with yall who are reading this...I'm doing good, just a little bored: wish I could be some sort of training!

Till next time!


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Again...good to hear an update. Sounds like your class is having its dificulties. By "flying stuff" do you mean they are hooking rides? WOW! Do I hear you right in that your new job requires 2 years training? What does the traing involve? If so, that is a long time. What kind of casual duty do you think you will be doing for the next 2-3 months? Sorry for all the questions...just interested. Best of luck.



Yeah, they've been hooking 89 rides for the little stuff that will hook you immediately: basically safety of flight stuff. They are not unsafe inherently, just getting slow on final and things like that.

Yep, 2 years. I think it's mainly air traffic control stuff...not positive, though. I'm sure there's some airfield management stuff in there somewhere, but as soon as I find out, i'll let ya know!

For casual duties, last week I got to shred some paper; today and tomorrow I get to sell tickets for a BBQ going on downtown on saturday. Probably mundane stuff usually, i'm actually hoping that if they put me to work that i'll get to work the RSU or something worthwhile.

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