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Hotel in C-Springs

So, made it to Colorado Spings, after only 10 hours on the road.

I checked into the Double Tree hotel, just south of the intersection of Hwy 24 and I-25. Nice place! I told them I was on orders and got the Gov't rate. I don't know if it's any better than the normal rate, but it said Gov't rate on the receipt. $80 a night for the rooms w/ a queen-sized bed, $90 for the king. $80 is the max-lodging in C-Springs, so that's what I took. Big chocolate chip cookie on check-in, I was sold!! Seriously though, it's in the middle of a big shopping area: Target, Arby's, Chili's, Subway, Movie Theatre, etc... all accross the street. I don't know about the night-life proximity, but I'm not too concerned with that at the moment. The rooms are nice, there's what seems to be a decent hotel restaurant, I'm happy.

Went on about a 2.5 mile run and about died from the altitude, but a buddy said it was best to start quick so you don't REALLY die on the PFT they give the first couple of days. Maybe it would help if I quit smoking too... hmmmmm.....

Think I'll grab a beer at Chili's and check-out Spiderman 3.

Pueblo tomorrow!


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