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Everyone's still here!

So everyone passed the test yesterday. The Navy students had a 96.3% average and the AF students had a 95% average. The Navy guys got a kick out of that, but they've only got 7 students to our 18, no biggie. The rest of the day was taken up with an Anti-terrorism brief, a JAG brief, another brief from the T-38 squadron (this time from the commander) saying, "If you want to be a fighter pilot, don't change your mind while flying the T-6!" This was followed closely by him saying, "Sorry, you guys are only going to get 3 or 4 T-38's vs. the 5 or 6 all the previous classes have gotten. And out of that, maybe one person will actually get a fighter! Sorry, cutbacks..."

Bottom line: If you want to be a fighter pilot, you'd better hope your class number doesn't have an "09" in front of it (in other words, graduating in fiscal year '09).

Today was more CAI's, this time on the electrical and propulsion systems, lights, oil system, etc... We had one review by an instructor for the electrical system, and were done by 1430. A buddy and I checked out one of the simulators after that and practiced our before start and taxi checklists. Towards the end though, we practiced flying some instrument approaches, just for the heck of it. It was one of the sims that has no "outside" view, so all we had to fly off of was instruments, hence doing instrument approaches months before they even tell us about them!

So that's been the last few days. We've got our second test, Systems 2, next Tuesday right after the long weekend, let's hope everyone studies!


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