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Up at 0530, get into blues, then breakfast at 0600 (you don't have to eat if you don't want). In-briefs started at 0635, and went until 1200. Every guy in our chain of command, up to the OG/CC, had to have his 30 minutes to tell us: "You're lucky to be here, it's really hard, don't fvck it up."

Also got our boldface and Ops Limits test today. They look EXACTLY like the practice tests on the website. Everyone has to do it over and over again, until everyone gets it PERFECT. You have to write every boldface exactly as it appears on the study sheet. Down to the upper-case letters and everything. The only difference is that the study guide has three dashes '---' just before the action (you'll see, the ones my class downloaded did, maybe they'll change it), and you really only have to put one dash. We had to do it twice. Some classes have had to redo it 7 times before they got it right!! Study ahead of time!!

We also got medical and physiology briefs.

After lunch (1200-1300) we had more briefs. Security, flight safety, and Ops Chief. Then we started classes. Basic aerodynamics, then on to aircraft systems.

At 1645, we had to do a PFT. The altitude SUCKS! ...literally. Most did OK though. If you don't get at least an 80, you have to re-test in 3 weeks. None of it is entered into the real AF system though. We've got mandatory PT 3 times a week, run by a former Marine who likes to run it boot-camp style. Except for Fridays, that's dodge-ball day! Then we were done for the day. Dinner, then studying a bit over some adult beverages (bring a stash with you!!!).

To answer one question, all of the standards for each of the maneuvers can be found in the syllabus on the dossifs.com website.

And I guess my class was the first class EVER to all show up in blues and on-time. We're also the largest class ever, with 28 people.

I'm beat, going to bed... start it all over again in the morning.


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