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Good times!

Dollar ride was a blast! It was kind of weird because they actually put my IP and I in a van to go to another airport down the road to take off. They had a number of aircraft come in off of cross-country's yesterday while Vance was closed so they had to park at Woodring. It's not unusual I guess. What was unusual was having a guy on his dollar ride do his first ever takeoff in a T-6 at someplace other than Vance! Anyway, we took off (this thing climbs like crazy!) and did a touch and go at Woodring, then went over to Vance for another T&G. They were both done by the IP, he was showing me around. Then we went to a working area and did a bunch of different stalls. After that he asked if we missed anything and I said, "Uh yeah, we need to do a split-S!" I was joking because you're not necessarily supposed to do acrobatics on a dollar ride, but because I asked, we did a split-S, a barrel roll, a loop, and started to do a cloverleaf before I recommended we stop before I got sick! I wasn't feeling at all bad, but knew I would if we continued doing that stuff. Anyway, we then went over to the aux field (Kegelman) and did a pattern (it was closed, so no approach) then went back to Vance. I almost had a landing, but flared just a touch too much and ballooned a bit, so he took over and we touched down no problem.

I was done with the debrief by 1100, went and did a CAI and spent the rest of the day studying and taking pics of other people doing dollar-ride walk-around's of their planes. We started at 0600 and left at 1757 tonight... the full 12 hours!! 2.5 more hours studying tonight and I'm done, yeah!!


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