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Day 1

Yesterday was "Day 0" of the 15-day program (the scripted harassment of the first 15 days on the flightline). They showed us all how it was done yesterday, then we had to perform today (Day 1). That meant us doing the formal brief (that was a cluster-f), then stand-up and shotgun questions. The shotgun questions all come from required reading they give us each day, including the "notes, warnings, cautions" (NWC) out of the Dash-1. There can be up to 7 or 8 NWCs for each emergency procedure (EP), and we have to learn like 4 EPs a night. We actually thought they were going to go around the room saying, "You, what's the first note in the Abort Start checklist?" and, "You, what's the third caution in the Emergency Ground Egress checklist?" Turns out it was more like: "True or false: you can abort a start by reselecting Auto/Reset?" MUCH easier studying!!

My flight went good again. I was much better with the checklists and radios, and actually got a few landings. This plane has a CRAZY amount of torque when doing a touch and go! Plan on FULL right rudder every time! I was first-go (took off about 0830) and was done by 1100. I did a couple more CAIs on Instrument Procedures and studied for tomorrow after that. We were actually released by 1600 (only 10 hours today!!) which was nice, but I don't know how often that's going to happen!

Flying again tomorrow...


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