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    Gun Talk

    Saw this at a gun show today, a double folder has been on my wish list for years! I may have to start a Go Fund Me account!
  3. First assignment captains with average time. The three that I'm thinking of specifically were all good pilots. It may be rare, but we had a few shiny pennies that didn't suck as pilots. They were good people too. I knew a few execs in my 11H career who were solid pilots as well. The crappiest pilot I knew was a 60 dude who crossed over to the Huey. He happened to be the CC.
  4. No I’m not saying that all. But looking back I realize how I wrote that could be taken that way, so I don’t blame you for the response. A better way to say it is just because they’re an ally doesn’t mean they don’t face repercussions for actions (and lack of actions) leading to negative outcomes for our country. The carrot hasn’t worked, so here’s the stick. They don’t get anymore free passes just because they’re an ally. Furthermore, as an ally they should act like it and do a lot better WRT border-related issues. We’ll see how long this lasts; my guess is not horribly long as they realize they’re economically way outside our league.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Warrants classify into 4 specific career tracks, one of them being Instructor/Evaluator. IP is not an upgrade in the Army, it is a specific career progression. We have made RLO(O series) instructors on occasion, but it is usually tied to specific detail such as the exchange billet with the UK. It is normal, she would log PI even though she has a PIC rating, because she is being evaluated. Same is true of an IP evaluating the commander. The only time you get weird logging of a kind of dual PC condition is an IP conducting a check ride from the control station and a Stands pilot (IP upgrade) conducting a simultaneous evaluation from the bench or jump seat in a 60/47. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. According to this article, It appears there was a Capt, a CWO, and a SSgt on board. Honest question: Is it common in the Army for a Chief Warrant Officer to be the Instructor/Evaluator and have the A-code with a Captain in the seat?
  8. "The Best Money We Ever Spent" Always was a scam. I will never be convinced otherwise.
  9. as young captains with below average flight time?
  10. Because people have their heads up their asses. There is no need for a conspiracy, this accident isn't hard to figure out.
  11. It’s not high, it just isn’t abnormal in a place where we no longer have 500-1000 hour producing deployments. That is her total time, not her time at her check for PIC. We have had a very artificially seasoned force from 2004-2018 or so. That just isn’t possible anymore. That count is absolutely in line with the aggregate average across the Army. Particularly for somebody assigned where she was prior. Right now it isn’t your counts that are the issue, it’s regularity of hours. Her total time means nothing if she was doing what has become all too common across the force and going 59 days between flights or not meeting minimums. That is now the new normal and it has eroded proficiency and slowed progressions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Not really. The medical O2 tanks tend to be smaller than you think. The photos of the tanks found at the crash site show them to be small at best. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. If it was my daughter I'd do the exact same thing. Imagine losing your daughter/son and stepping into the social media world to see every possible evil conspiratorial thing being said about your child. Whatever can be done to lessen the pain and stress would be done if I were them. Regardless of how many hours she could have had, it's not going to stop the fucktards from dragging him/her down. I rarely flew on a sortie that had a crew full of 1,000+ hour folks. There is always going to be a low hour guy on board getting training. Why is there no talk about the instructor/evaluator on board?
  14. Since the speculation ice has been broken, seems like there’s a serious problem having a published heli route that crosses the 3D visual glide path for 33. Normal 3.0° PAPIs will put you at 200’/.66NM which crosses Route 4 at exactly the max alt.
  15. This,in conjunction with the scrubbing of her social media accounts, makes me say hmmm? Whether they are or not, it feels like something is being hidden. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  16. I knew a few pilots who did WH things. They were solid pilots. I agree with this.
  17. we all know these types. shinny pennies. pushed to exec or staff work. typically weaker flying skills (or don't like flying) but excel as paper pushers. a story as old as time. was this the case here? i don't know. but the low hours is something illuminating. and the high profile WH gig. is it causal to the accident? no idea and won't cast judgement. my point is maybe we should bring back the primary focus of pilots to being a pilot. and reward them as such. instead you're rewarded for being the best exec and no one gives a shit about your flying skills.
  18. The left weaponized the justice system to go after Trump, now Trump is using the legal system to beat the crap out of Big Tech and some of the big news organizations. During the election it is alleged that CBS 60 minutes edited and altered Kamala Harris' interview to remove her word salad and make her look better. Trump filed a $10 Billion Dollar voter interference lawsuit, CBS refused to turn over the transcripts, called Trump's lawsuit “completely without merit” and promised to vigorously fight it after it was filed. Now they are in settlement talks after being ordered to hand over the transcripts. ABC news recently settled a defamation case with Trump for $15M plus another $1m to Trump's lawyers and they apologized. Shortly thereafter George Stephanopoulos Deleted his X Account. Meta paid $25M to settle Trump's lawsuit against the company over its decision to suspend his social media accounts following the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. Interesting to see the pendulum swing back, hopefully Big tech can remain neutral and the press can finally act as the 4th estate rather than extension of the DNC.
  19. This was my thought as well Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  20. After all that, look who they elected as chair
  21. No. That's in the range of new aircraft commander.
  22. Is that considered a good amount of hours for a Helo pilot? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  23. This I’ll bet 99% of the time my visual will be mysteriously exactly a dog leg vector to a fix about 2-3 miles prior to the FAF CDTI clearances are also annoying, me to ATC when they issue one:
  24. Cannot quote for truth enough. The dudes I fly with that want to make it more exciting…should fly something else outside of 121 world. Also have seen every variation of trying to make time like you mentioned, and the company’s inability to staff enough crews/assign gates and crews efficiently or some random taxi slowdown will thwart efforts to shave a few minutes 99.6% of the time.
  25. USAID is basically a government version of an NGO charity and we would laugh if Doctors Without Borders tried to deny an auditor information because it was classified. Additionally, if the President directed it, then security clearances and classification are completely irrelevant as he has ultimate classification authority. If he wants them to look at our space sharks with lasers program, that's his prerogative. Maybe DOGE guys should have done the security paperwork, but there are also a lot of security process stuff that DOGE could address so working within the bureaucratic system to drastically change that system seems a bit counterproductive.
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