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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2009 in all areas

  1. Why on Earth is a flyer filling a CE/CC position? I always thought that leaders in the CE community grew up there. With limited senior leadership possibilities to begin with why would they pass up the chance to fill this position from within? Plus. . . there are plenty of UAV slots (I know of at least one!) that he or she could be filling instead.
    1 point
  2. See a lot of flying O-6's wearing ABU's lately, never really thought about it. Was in a briefing recently and saw an Army O-5 wearing the two-piece, ACU-like flight suit. Had to do a double take. It looks pretty comfy.
    1 point
  3. If you have a bit of time before you will be moving, and depending on her skills, you can always try to get on with a company that will allow her to telecommute. I started working for my company before my husband joined the Air Force (at the corporate office), and now I just do my same job from home. Same pay, same work, no matter where we would have moved to. And as far as being "bored" during UPT as a spouse, it's what you make of it. There will be more than enough for her to do (most wives don't work), volunteering at places, getting together with friends, etc. since I worked full-time, I missed out on a lot of social activities that the spouses that didn't work were able to attend.
    -1 points
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