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  1. I figured I would take some heat over that number. My assumption was that by the time a guy reaches 12-15 years and O-4, he's probably an ADO or Flt/CC and just ins't pulling the 180-200 that most of the company grade guys fly. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule. Life is all about attitude, bro. It would be very easy for me to say "I hate flying tankers...I should be flying XXX...I can't believe I got this crappy TDY..." and on and on. And, truth be told, I have complained about some of those very things over the years. But the fact is that we make our own reality. I focus on the great parts of my job, and almost magically, it makes the shitty parts seem not quite as bad. Self-fulfilling prophecies can be very powerful.
    1 point
  2. reality is a bitch sometimes. it's a sad state of things when a squadron full of aviators views flying as a bad thing because it takes away time from accomplishing all the queep shit they have to do for their ground job. I'm sure it's like this everywhere, but we're so short manned, even brand new copilots immediately have 2-3 jobs to do (scheduling + snacko + LOS taskings like putting together an airshow appearance). Not that some of that shit isn't a CP right of passage, but new CPs should be doing as little as possible that doesn't involve flying, learning the WS, and becoming better pilots, and THEN after a little while they can start to juggle.
    -1 points
  3. Because generally speaking, people who are not of your faith want to hear about your faith about as much as they want to be regaled by tales of the last time you clipped your toe nails. That in and of itself it probably not snapish; however, "I cant do that because I'm religious" and especially "i can't go out, i've got church in the morning" definitely is snapish.
    -1 points
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