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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2010 in all areas

  1. The real person to ask about this is Tim Martins. But I digress. The civvie flight training I found most helpful in UPT was my instrument rating. Sure, there was a whole new set of AF procedures and manuals to memorize, but I had a good handle on the basics and knew what a VOR, ILS, etc, was while most of the bros in my class were trying to comprehend that while going through the UPT haze. I helped them out every opportunity I could, but I felt at least a little more relaxed. So my advice from only my own experience, FWIW: PPL in a Cessna or Piper Instrument rating (or at least some flight time/ground school) Good luck!
    1 point
  2. Yeah the school that has the Decathlon does checkrides (or has done checkrides) in the tailwheel. Before I left the owner was showing me the wall with all the cut t-shirts and pointed out the ones who did so. They got special recognition because they're special. I want to be special. Edit: I couldn't help but notice that someone rated this post negatively. I apologize if that individual was offended, although I can only imagine what about my post is offensive...
    -1 points
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