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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2010 in all areas

  1. Again, nice job of trying to sell out a crew that did nothing wrong. The pothole wasn't NOTAM'ed and the crew did what they should have. As a former HERC guy, I'd think you would have know that, but apparently the transition to Barney has removed the part of your brain that uses common sense.
    2 points
  2. Disagree. It's like when we were kids, you could crack Mom jokes on all your friends, except for that one kid whose Mom died. You couldn't crack Mom jokes with him. Crew makes bonehead mistake and dies = you get to listen to the CVR tapes in you CRM refresher, but no jokes. Crew makes bonehead mistake and lives = ridicule will follow until someone else makes a bigger mistake.
    1 point
  3. Have you seen creech there is nothing to steal...plus creech runs 24/7 so best of luck to the WIC guys when it comes to retaliation. If they bring it they are gonna be bringing it weak at that. So cheers . 432nd LPA 1 WIC 0
    1 point
  4. I have said it once and I will say it again. Yes, there is a difference. Sober people kill more people than drunk drivers so back off. My uncle was killed by a sober driver so I hate all of you damn sober driver out there.
    1 point
  5. Gimme a break. No one acts like it's their "right" to live in a good location. But what's wrong with wanting to live in one? Are you even married? Wives don't get to fly every day. They don't get to do things that "contribute directly to the fight." They're stuck trying to raise the kids and/or find a job in the local area. Pretty tough to find reasonable employment relative to education in some of these places. So they end up facing down the majority of the "suck" at places like Cannon while we go off and do the j-o-b. They at least get the right to complain about it.
    1 point
  6. That's a 100% valid point. There is no doubt a dedicated sensor operator can provide more and better sensor coverage than a pilot operating the same sensor while still flying the aircraft. That said, is this new COIN platform being procured as another sensor? If so why not just throw another expendable MQ-1 orbit up? My understanding is that the intent is to have something that can quickly integrate with the ground commander's scheme of maneuver and act as an airbone extension of the FSE - read, FAC(A). Your example says fused EO/IR sensor, multiple datalinks, UHF/VHF/FM/SATCOM, cats-and-dogs weapons, LGBs... Add FAC(A) and you have A-10 and F-16. Bottom line - NTISR can and does benefit from a sensor operator (sidebar - how many years do you have to do something before it stops being non-traditional?) Multiple radios, myriad weaponry, and an EO/IR sensor historically have not and do not drive the need for a FAC(A) to have a trunk monkey. Are those my only two options? The crux of my argument is that a WSO has not historically been required to be effective as a FAC. Any references to 'pride' are brought on by you and you alone and are not in any way constructive to the discussion. So you draw conclusions about my reasoning in the same post where you ask for clarification on my reasoning? Copy.
    1 point
  7. I find it troubling that Mr. Day, the USAF director for irregular warfare, is publicly stating that his camp is 'fighting the fighter mafia on this.' If that's his perception of where irregular warfare programs are right now, then he's pretty far out of touch with the reality. My advice to him is to quit making excuses and start serving the customer better. As an operator, my biggest gripe is the incorporation of a WSO into slow FAC'in. Everyone wants to draw parallels with FACs of yore. And while some (not all) of FAC platforms - A-1, O-1, O-2, OV-10, A-10, F-100 - had two seats, exactly zero carried a nav or a WSO. I think this would be a great mission but if it ends up working like Strike Eagle CAS ("Hey pilot, don't mask my targeting pod, and talk on the radio only by exception!") then you can keep it.
    1 point
  8. Cannon may suck, but Santa Fe and ABQ are a good time and Lubbock isn't far away either. Not to mention, the AFSOC mission is legit and you'll be directly contributing to the fight. If you want to live on a beach, go work for IBM. Not saying you should be a martyr and volunteer for Cannon, but it's amazing how many people act like its their right to live in a good location, spouses especially. There are positive aspects of every location, but some people will find something to complain about anywhere they go.
    0 points
  9. Are you implying that there should be a difference? Over the limit is over the limit, and if you're impaired, it's still DUI even if you're only at a .01 BAC.
    -1 points
  10. I think it should. Got it. I'll be sure to liquor up before I hit the road. Just for your benefit. At my DUI hearing, I'll be sure to quote your statistic in my defense.
    -1 points
  11. i just want everyone to know that its called a CYBERSPACE BADGE not wings. so you all can get ur panties out of a bunch now.
    -1 points
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