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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2011 in all areas

  1. It doesn't apply to *any* of the aircraft beyond fundamentals. Sorta why the course is titled that, ya know. Every aircraft has a different way of skinning the BFM cat. Jet performance and weapon capability is the cornerstone of development of BFM tactics.Unless you're out shooting AIM-9Ps and gun only in a T-38, OF COURSE your BFM tactic is going to be different. It was funny to see new upgrading IPs come to Moody, with each thinking that their MWS' way to fly BFM was the way to do it, and whatever "we" were teaching was wrong. The same thing applied to bombing, too. Regardless, if you think that IFF is about learning BFM or bombing, then you've completely missed the point.
    1 point
  2. Hopefully the following won't completely hijack this thread, but I fully expect the anti-gun crowd to use this as a way to force registration/ban/limit the 2d Amendment. As noted earlier, now that one of Congress' members has been shot, the rights of the citizens won't really be of importance. I do regret the shooting of the congresswoman (man, talk about an overachiever couple - congresswoman and USN fighter pilot/astronaut.) and the others, particularly the little girl, but those that choose to own/use firearms lawfully are going to be the ones who get the blowback from this. Hope not, but I'm too cynical to think otherwise.
    1 point
  3. Actually, he's pretty spot on as far as the schism. Why are traditional pilots so anti-RPA? Ego? Childhood dreams? I don't know. It's a large part of the future, so sooner or later they'll have to accept that fact.
    -1 points
  4. Dude, you're a huge tool.
    -2 points
  5. No need to get your panties in a wad. You could have just answered "Ego" instead of proving it with your unprofessionalism.
    -4 points
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