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  1. He doesn't have his masters, must be a sucky leader.
    4 points
  2. By BGEN Greg Stroud (Ret) Some of you know that I was recently "retired" as the 162 Fighter Wing Commander. The decision was made by Brig Gen Mike Colangelo, the Arizona Air Commander, who replaced me because he "just wants to change the culture at the 162nd". Not for cause or performance or any other reason. This officer never commanded anything bigger than an Air Control Squadron and somehow he wound up in charge. Heck, the guy probably got beat up in grade school everyday. I think it is indicative of what is happening in our Air Force and reinforces what Bruce MacLennan and the anonymous author have to say below. Well, I also have something to say about our changing Air Force and it's quickly disappearing Fighter Pilot culture. How many scope dope drone operators does it take to change a lightbulb? Two. One to change the bulb, and one to kiss my ass. That's right. I said kiss my ass. 'Cause I've had it. The air superiority fighter and its PILOT are not dead and the Chinese are so far not impressed with drones. I am tired of Fighter Pilots suffering at the hands of all the pencil pushing REMFs and ladder climbing opportunists and shitty non-rated managers (who think they are leaders) just because the Air Force is currently more interested in feelings and sexual orientation than fighting. Not all officers have what it takes to lead warriors yet too many of them are in charge in our military. At this rate we may lose the next real war. These shit bird officers need to be run out of leadership positions and get out of my face already. We have too many people in our military that feel the need to play political victim and go to court instead of just dealing with it themselves, no one can have any kind of fun anymore. Men and women can't flirt, hug, look at anyone sideways, or drink beer out of mermaid mug because of you "victims" and your lawyers. Are you happy? And while I'm at it... Fighter Pilots, who are willing to die so that we can have low prices at the gas pump and shop at the mall, should be able to throw the wildest parties they can manage without one uptight biddy coming in and stopping it. There were scads of women at The '91 Tailhook party who were having the time of their lives, voluntarily being just as debauched as any of the men were. Everyone who flew a plane, or even knew someone who flew a plane, knew how wild those parties were and what went on. What does our society expect? A prayer service? It's worse now than it was then. "Victims" need to just throw some punches of their own whenever guys, gals, lesbos, or homos get out of line. Doesn't our tax money go to teach all of our military how to fight? I'm not trying to make the idiotic "she had it coming" argument here, which would go something like "of course they grabbed her breasts, look how big they are." Plus, just reaching out and grabbing some boob is wrong no matter what. When I was at Tailhook, even at our most drunken admin parties we never acted like that. No matter how hard I try I can't think of an excuse good enough to do something like that. But it's still nothing to lose a career over or get your panties in a wad. Besides, fighter pilots are supposed to be aggressive assholes. That's how we used to train them. I don't know about you, but I don't want a military of fighter pilots who are gifted at giving sensitivity seminars. I want mad-dog, rabid killers going to battle for me and mine. Man or woman. When our homeland is threatened by Middle-Eastern Muslim radicals, or when we want to force our form of government on some poor, unsuspecting poppy growing shit hole, or when uppity North Korean despots develop nuke weapons, I want to be able to call on men and women who like to fight and drink. I want an officer who knows how to whack some drunk in the balls when he grabs her tits, not call a press conference and a lawyer. If you're a wimp who doesn't know how to find the exit at a rowdy party, go fly a kite, not a jet fighter. Fighter Pilot should always be capitalized because it is a hard earned title - So there. Perhaps it's time for me to retire. Greg "Mongo" Stroud
    3 points
  3. Lame and unoriginal to boot! The "author" pretty much stole the thing whole cloth from Drew Carey, in addition to whining like a kid who skinned their knee. Dirty Jokes and Beer by Drew Carey
    2 points
  4. Dude, this isn't a fighter v heavy argument so not even worth battling that aspect. The guy talks of how fighter pilots are because that is what he is and it is written from that aspect. BL is that fighter pilot traditions and way of doing things is on the way out and for those who love the culture and what it stands for, it sucks. What once was a proud fraternity of pilots, is being shit on/destroyed by people who have never been a part of that sort of thing and who do not understand the impact. The BGEN is right on. If you've never been in a fighter sq, you might not see his point fully but I think all good dudes can see the broad point of it. Unless you are one of the homo's causing the problems that is.
    2 points
  5. That's my understanding, too. edit: Fuckit, I'm saying it...... You officers need to beat this shit down with a bat. I understand not all of you have leadership/management that has your back... but every time you just walk away from an O vs. E confrontation because "the boss will jump in my ass for jumping in the ass of the A1C who blatantly disrespected me in public", you are telling every enlisted person within earshot that they can continue to get away with disrespecting (and even disobeying) a commissioned officer. That is piss-poor leadership, and you don't need to wear your rank on your collar to be able to figure that out. This shit has to end...
    2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. That's part of the problem. Why is it a bad idea? No one supports them. That's our job. Give the LTs (and Capts) top cover whenever possible (as long as they're in the right). There's a fine line but we're so far over to one side of it right now that it almost doesn't matter.
    1 point
  8. 1500 hours of riding in the back end of an E-3.
    1 point
  9. Stop trying to spin this into something it's not. There are a lot of dudes out there with a Fighter Pilot's mentality who just happen to work in MX, intel, etc. This is not a "we have the biggest dicks" argument. Disagree on the "irony" as well. Good on him for calling out some apparent BS behind the politics that are crushing our culture. I hope said shitbag BGen was front and center when he said all that too. Saddest part - it'll only keep getting worse. POS commanders are out there (just had one PCS not long ago) who care more about Green Bag Bible Study than they do about having a normal roll call in the squadron every once in a while. Douchebags that stand in the corner and wince when I correct a punk who starts singing by interrupting and asking "how does every good fighter pilot song start?" And they take care of their own. The SNAPs who refuse to drink out of principle and scoff when others do, who get offended at porn in the shitter, who don't understand that TDYs are not money-making events, some of these SNAPs latch on to said DB commander and become golden boys. The cycle continues. I still have a year or two left until I have to make the choice whether to sign on for more. I just hope enough guys continue to fight the good fight, there are enough good commanders out there to keep the SNAPs from taking over. If I never make it past O-4/O-5 so be it, but I have too much pride to not act like a Fighter Pilot. Even if it involves buying the frau flowers every once in a while.
    1 point
  10. I would have had that A1C locked up and at attention so fast his head would have been spinning. And those that know me can attest that I am generally a pretty easy-going guy. We, as officers, absolutely must step up to this shit. It has to end.
    1 point
  11. I'm sure there are many folks whose blood boils without being at FL630. I just wouldn't want to be one of them.
    1 point
  12. Oh the irony! While I agree with his assessment of the no-fun Air Force and the social and political rot it's causing with our ranks, an otherwise on-point article is ruined by a thick stench of butthurt whining. He would have a lot more credibility if it was a "I quit and here's why" article, but instead it sounds a whole lot like "I'm a victim and here's why". I agree that our service is overrun by shoes. I also agree that the no-fun, risk averse culture being forced on us is destroying morale and unit cohesion, but what I don't agree with is his apparent attitude that if you ain't a figher pilot you ain't shit. (flame suit on)Fighter pilots tend to be the whiniest support guys out there. Sorry dudes, even YOU aren't the tip of the spear (though closer to it than most). Fighters were initially conceived, and continue to support bombardment operations, but don't tell fighter pilots that. You can't whine about people not knowing their place, and then clearly demonstrate your lack of knowledge of your own. While our fighter pilots may be some of the most skilled, dedicated and well trained aviators in the world, they still have a specific place in the puzzle, and the puzzle is, believe it or not, NOT a picture of a fighter. Ok, that's my piece, I'm ready for the indignant criticism sure to come from the fighter pilots on this board.
    -1 points
  13. Real mature. Not quite as eloquent as the Dear Boss letter and definitely addresses some different issues...either way it's popcorn worthy for the discussion alone. Either way, sir, you have huge balls for a post like that and thank you for your many years of service
    -1 points
  14. Well said general. Craniums up though ... the homo lovers with popcorn are going to be "disappointed in you and your intolerance".
    -2 points
  15. Like I said, I do believe there's a full on assault on the old way of doing things, and the changes are all for the worse. Problems always arise when people who don't play well with others are put in a position of authority. From the sound of it the author was one of these people, and unfortunately for him, so was his boss. I'm ALL FOR having your community and your own way of doing things; however, unless you can interface with the big picture in a positive way without thinking that you ARE the big picture, you are doomed to fail. While I don't know anything about the author beyond the article in the OP, it sounds like he overestimated his sphere of influence, and it bit him.
    -3 points
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