Not quite the same caliber as SrA Douchebag, but I was having lunch yesterday and overheard an older guy a couple seats down at the bar loudly telling another guy how he served on the USS Oklahoma while stationed in Japan during the 70's. I couldn't help myself, I asked him if he was sure it was the Oklahoma - just about everyone I've met from the Navy could remember exactly what boat, err ship, they were on and when. He was adamant that it was the Oklahoma, even confirming for me the no-kidding battleship of that name, because he bragged that he'd give tours to the local girls to work his "game". He was somewhat taken aback when I mentioned that the USS Oklahoma was sunk at Pearl Harbor, raised in '43, and sank again in '47 while enroute to the scrap yard - never having returned to active service, much less Japan in the 70's. Sucks to be stupid.