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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2011 in all areas

  1. From the AFA today... WTF? Do the dogs have to beat the min on each section to pass? Sorry Lassie, you got 80s on obstacles and weight pull, but you were two short on power fetch because you stopped to lick your balls. Do the dogs have loud, reflective outfits they have to wear?
    4 points
  2. 13 years in porn? That's pretty impressive. And I believe the rules of the board require any mention of wives be accompanied by pics.
    3 points
  3. Leave it to the AF to gay up the perfectly simple life of a dog.
    1 point
  4. These days, assuming the tanker crew hadn't already called bingo 10K high and left country, would never even get close to the border for fear of getting instantly Q3d by Joe Biden himself (even the boom who was thoughtfully making pizza at the time) for encroaching upon the same "allied" airspace that they were just legally transiting through a few hours ago. If the tanker could manage to coordinate through Wizard with people thousands of miles away to forgo the important mission of refueling Wizard, they might get cleared to take the blatantly more important tasking, assuming they didn't have to consolidate from a 135 that would otherwise have to dump fuel to land. For the joinup, the tanker pilots would be eyes inside dealing with some random system fault, thus unknowingly starting a low-SA turn into the fighter at 6 miles, not helped by the fighter strangling his squawk and yardstick to keep that very thing from happening. As the fighter lag-rolls into the contact position, the boom is still going through his checklist and the engineer is using spaghetti charts to calculate what speeds they can fly and how much gas they can give. Which sucks because they've both been asleep for the past hour with nothing to do. The fighter would call nosecoldswitchessafetailnumber6900003432201 and promptly fire off a flare while trying to plug himself. Yes, that actually happened a week ago. The fighter pilot would spend the rest of the RTB complaining about the sun being in his eyes and the tanker pilots would fix the problem (maybe on purpose) by flying through clouds and moderate-high turbulence. Everybody's and fighter aft-disconnects himself and leaves without saying a word. The tanker crew goes home and never debriefs anything while the fighter pilot spends six hours recreating the entire event from memory on a whiteboard. Three years later all the pilots are reunited at Creech while the boom and engineer have logged 12 more deployments. PA ignores the entire story, instead focusing on the Wing CC giving an award to some guy that installs air conditioners. Also actually happened a week ago. I think I got it all. Also, this excerpt is the epitome of awesome: Olds, who had been chasing the first MiG, gave up a chance for a kill to run off the three that were after Catton's plane. "Here he came, lobbing missiles over my head at the MiGs," Catton said. The MiGs high-tailed it, with Olds in pursuit. Robin Olds chasing three MiGs off into the sunset. That guy was a comic book superhero.
    1 point
  5. Godfather, There are quite a few things in combat I have let slide. I have stuck around below bingo to give guys gas that were supporting TICs. At a Flag? In training? No. Funny how important little bullshit things are to the fighter community. When I was a crew chief we had guys that would shut their canopy's in unison then crank engines at the exact same time. During debrief 3 will get bitched out because he was slow on the radio all day during check in. You debrief the shit out of EVERYTHING. This whole thread spiraled out of control because guys flat stated they were blowing off a prescribed Air Refueling procedure. Who cares, right? Not like any airplanes have ever crashed during AR because they didn't follow proper procedures and did what they wanted to do or anything like that. If you follow the rules, the tanker won't have to say shit. You may think you are running the show, but in reality my boom is telling me over the interplane exactly what each of you are doing and I am allowing you to do it. So go ahead and keep telling yourself that you are in charge. Fact is, if something goes wrong, I am to blame for allowing it to happen. I am the one that is getting called on the carpet. I am the one that has to live with the consequences if some guy doesn't do what he is supposed to and I don't speak up and something happens. A few years ago one of our guys allowed the fighters on his wing to clip the eastern edge of the MOA at Nellis. The tanker stayed in but the fighters on his wing spilled out. They all got a talking to. The AC of the tanker was grounded. Why do you think that is? Maybe because he screwed up and led HIS flight out of the area. This whole thread is bullshit. Read the Regs. If you don't do what is says, you are wrong. Don't like that, change the regs. Until then, do what you're told. Now you're talking out your ass. So if you are not visual during an engagement you are cleared to continue the fight? I have been to a lot of briefs and I don't remember hearing that.
    -1 points
  6. -1 points
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