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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2011 in all areas

  1. I think the main cause is that a lot of stewardesses are getting fat, old & ugly, and the hot ones don't put out like they used to. A lot of pilots try really hard to fly well when they want to impress hot stewardesses. Now everyone is distracted by porn instead. Either that or it's because the ground is getting harder which makes crashes worse. p.s. WTF is a flight attendant?
    3 points
  2. Most crashes result from excessive negative vertical velocity combined with an unsuitable landing surface. The others are usually caused by excess closure.
    2 points
  3. He makes some good points. I have been saying for years there is no reason to have CZTE and HFP for people who never set foot off of Ali Al Salem, the Deid, etc. However, to not get combat pay in places like Baghdad and Balad where they at least used to have rocket attacks regularly is kind of ridiculous. It also obviously pisses me off what he is implying about pilots getting combat pay. Even if he were right about no fixed wing aircraft being shot down in this war (he's not) we still get shot at, get bullet holes in our planes from time to time, land at some dangerous ass places with no security, and of course there always the possibility of this happening. But yeah, tanker guys shouldn't be getting combat pay.
    1 point
  4. As a Wing FSO at a deployed location with quite a mixed bag of airframes, I have found one factor has played into all the mishaps we've had as well as 75% of the near misses: Aircrew wearing sunglasses on their heads in the Dining Facility on their way to the aircraft.
    1 point
  5. I tend to agree with this dude, kind of. Anyone who thinks that shoe clerks working Monday to Friday 0730 to 1630 at al udeid deserve HFP and CZTE is smoking peyote. But, the problem is applying his logic to the pay system. I would love to see DFAS try to work this one. Then again, getting off the rotator knowing you have CZTE and HFP for the month makes dealing with the ridiculousness of al udeid slightly easier to stomach. Quote from someone working with a friend at the SOLE: "I'm gonna have to leave work early for class--aerobics class".
    1 point
  6. Flight Attendants who can't speak English and have terrible grammar are the biggest reason.
    1 point
  7. You are such a loser.. didn't you make a promise to change yourself after you graduated from high school?
    -1 points
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