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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2011 in all areas

  1. Here’s a good 3-Phase Dollar-Ride prank: Our dollar rider had been previously briefed by his bro’s and showed for the mission with his bags locked up (to prevent the inevitable addition of chains). So the rest of the crew decided to lull the young Lt into a false sense of security and he was left relatively alone, aside from the usual belittling of not using his man-voice when making radio calls. On the second to last leg of the mission, on the way out of the AOR into Ramstein, is when the crew struck. PH 1: Put young Lt in the seat while MP and IP go downstairs to lay the groundwork. The Lt had grown comfortable and left his bags unlocked so out went all of his clothes and extra flightsuits and in went all the pax pillows and blankets. He was left a camouflaged layer of 1 pair of PT shorts, his shave kit and a book. PH1 complete. PH 2: At Ramstein, after blocking-in and trying to get everything turned in as quickly as possible (there was drinking to be done), the unsuspecting target was told to go turn in the Secrets at AMCC while the MP and IP went to check in a Billeting. MP: “Lt. XX is a deep sleeper, so could I get an extra key for him?” Reception Clerk: “Here you go.” PH 2 complete. PH 3: Arriving at our building, the mark was told to be downstairs in 15 min for drinks. 30 seconds after getting into his room we hear the door slam open and his foot stomps in the hall. We all poke our head out to him ranting about his abundance of blankets. We all have a good laugh and tell him flight suits aren’t allowed at dinner. He had a good laugh and played along, wearing his PT shorts and flight boots. I was “late” to the rally point and conveniently left my watch in my room. The crew waited while I went upstairs. There I grabbed my extra flight suit, I’m 69” on a good day, and went to his room. I switched out the patches and threw back where he had it piled up. I then proceeded to strip his bed and only left him the thin, scratchy, comforter that is standard on all hotel beds. It was remade so that it wouldn’t be immediately noticeable. After a night of drinking, getting back to the room, he wanted to sleep, ignored the flight suit, pulled back his covers, and realized he had no sheets. Assuming that was the last of it, he went to bed. In the morning after alert trying to get dressed, he looked at his flight suit and wondered where the rest of it was. He comes stomping out and we all had another good laugh at his expense. We had a better laugh after telling him he couldn’t change until we landed back at home. His balls were numb by the time we landed 12 hrs later, but he suffered through his dollar ride initiation with honor.
    1 point
  2. we got a buddy of mine pretty good this weekend - he's our sq's brand new patch, and a bunch of us had a big party Saturday night. we waited till we knew he'd be pretty drunk, and had our wing weapons officer call him and tell him he had to be at a feascap in a half hour for the Libya deal. he also told him to tell a few of us more senior types/patches/msn cc's who were at the party that we were in crew rest immediately UFN. he starts flipping out, we're all pretending not to believe him and keep doing shots, drinking, etc. he was frantically trying to call a cab for a ride to base when we told him it was a joke. of course, joke was really on all of us that we're on the sidelines for this one.
    1 point
  3. Allow me to waive the bullshit flag right back. We are not talking about DGs on active duty, those are AWESOME for your PRF. We are talking about ROTC DGs. Now I never said "don't list it" but my point is that the board doesn't care. They'd rather see a DG out of SOS. That has nothing to do with what the board is looking for. You weren't working for the board and you weren't there when they made their selections. They want to see what you have done to accomplish the mission and to save money. Period. Please tell me you're not that idealistic. HD
    1 point
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