I enthusiastically second Vanguard. I used to have my investments with a full service broker until I read The Investor's Manifesto by William Bernstein. It is a great book and I highly recommend it to everyone. He explains in great detail about how it is possible for a full service broker can make more money off of your investments than you do. After reading the book, I did my own research and ended up agreeing with Bernstein that Vanguard is the best choice. Like USAA, it is an investor owned company rather than publicly traded, so it does not have to succumb to the short term demands of stockholders looking for a quarterly profit instead of a long term growth. Based on their MUCH lower operating costs and passively managed funds and assuming a historic return, Vanguard would make me around $300,000 more than my full service broker. Plus, it turns out they are actually easier to work with than my previous full service broker, so it is a win-win for me.