I understood what he said. He was advising to pick your battles, and that he learned it was the wrong one to pick. I just said that it still says something to stick with your beliefs. Hopefully his sticking with his beliefs will lead to some great opportunity behind the next door that he doesn't see yet. For now, I'll take his advice, not fight the wrong battles and hope the best for him.
starvation... since you have a clue how any of my teachers/professors taught. All I can go off is what I've seen, but most college professors I have dealt with (not all) have the wrong attitude. For example, "well, I wrote the book, so rather than actually teach, I'm just going to read the words I wrote, directly from the book on a projector."... well, fuck, I can read the book just fine, that's not why I came to class. I did just fine in college, I just didn't feel I gained as much from it in terms of critical thinking.