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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2011 in all areas

  1. Amazing how the Jr enlisted, despite supposedly being paid poverty level wages, manage to have 2 cars, 2 cell phones, satellite TV, Internet, and all the other necessities. Maybe that's why both parents work. The BX isn't supplementing their low pay, it's subsidizing their stupid spending habits.
    3 points
  2. No, to some people the US military has become a full-time extension of ROTC field training or basic training. To them, that's all it's about...haircuts, tucked shirts and reciting creeds. To the rest of us, the haircut/tucked shirts/creed thing was merely an exercise designed to instill certain thought patterns in people's minds and weed out those that can't hack it or adapt. It's a means to an end, not the end in itself. Apparently a lot of people haven't figured that out.
    3 points
  3. I think most officers don't understand the reality of the average elisted family. Most young familes in the Air Force have either both parents in the Air Force or one in the Air Force and another employed elsewhere. Since we have decided to pay our enlisted kids somewhere at or below the poverty level (hence the second working parent), providing some form of child care for working parents is mission required. The fact is that your bridge doesn't keep airplanes turning. Having an organization that supports young families does. Nobody is prying money out of your hands. Instead, we're taking the profits from the company store and applying it to the areas that would best improve the overall base quality of life. Could the store be better? Yes. Are the laws that govern military construction asinine? Absolutely. Is it wise that AAFES and DECA are legally seperated? Probably not. Is accessesable and affordable child care a mission requirement for a base? Definately.
    2 points
  4. After hearing some of our enlisted aircrew were getting harassed by a Chief, in the middle of eating, I've been having my crews eat together. We've seen said chief, but he hasn't come over to play while us O's are around. We anxiously await.....
    2 points
  5. Gotta love the useless comparisons..."an eighth of the time that powered flight has existed". Things that took less time than the F-35: The Beatles entire career as a band. The Apollo program from Kennedy's speech to Neil Armstrong. The combined timelines of WWI and WWII. Both Mars rovers were proposed, approved, developed, launched, and have been on Mars for over 3 years. The entire construction, from proposal to completion, of: The Golden Gate Bridge, the World Trade Center, the Empire State Building, the Suez Canal, and the Channel Tunnel. The Manhattan Project. Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia. Caesar's conquest of Gaul. The Wright brothers' first airplane, from conception to Kittyhawk.
    2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. Sadly that's what the Chiefs were originally designed to be there for...to look out for the enlisted troops and take care of them. Now many think that acting like an E-10 somehow makes them on par with an O-6.
    1 point
  8. This email officially shows that most people at the Deid don't even know there is a war still going on that they are supposed to be there supporting. They just think they get to go to the desert, get "combat" pay and tax free pay, check a container for a deployment and possibly get a short tour and that is about it. The rest of their time is spent drinking their 3 beers a day, suntanning at the pool, working on their masters, bachelors, PME and PLAYING soldier. It is time to start bringing people home from the Deid and giving them real jobs throughout the AF!
    1 point
  9. Hah, this reminded me of a time the Deid when I was still an E. A fellow maintainer and I were in the beginning stages of getting Chiefed, when my flight chief (a MSgt) walks up and says to the Cheif "whatever you're bitching about doesn't matter, these boys are getting food so they can get back to catch their jets, move out of the way!" The look on that Chiefs face was hilarious. My flight chief was very old and very crusty (crewed jets in Vietnam), he was not worried, nor did he care about the ramifications. If you worked hard for him, he took care of you...we need more guys like him!
    1 point
  10. You mean SSgt Snuffy's kids can't get to the hunting area? I'll throw $10 in the pot to make sure that problem gets resolved.
    1 point
  11. Ha, that's spot on. Have any of you ever tried to pick up your alterations without the receipt/ticket? I'm pretty sure it's easier to talk your way out of an on-base DUI than pick up uniforms without a receipt.
    1 point
  12. FIFY. Call me racist, but I'm pretty sure the same two Korean ladies work at every alterations shop in the DoD. There's the grumpy lady who works at the counter, speaks some English and handles all of the cash flow. And then there's the slightly more personable lady who works in the back, doing most of the actual alterations, who doesn't speak any English at all. This duo is as enduring as C-3PO/R2-D2, Abbott and Costello, Cheech and Chong, etc.
    1 point
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