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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2011 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. FAA JO 7610.4 spells out controller responsibilities for MOA/ATCAA procedures. Unless something has recently changed, nowhere in it does it tell the controller to tell the pilot to maintain VFR. For them to say that, especially if you are on an IFR flight plan, is retarded. EDIT: Unless if that is local operating procedures and contained in the MOU/LOA, of course.
    1 point
  3. I heard there is a Tweetapalooza going down at DM tomorrow night and UPT will resume NLT Tues 20 Sept via T-37's. Any truth to that?
    1 point
  4. Hi Point is a terrible choice. Self defense, plinking, throwing it at someone... it is a low quality firearm. If you really think that a rifle/carbine 4x more expensive than a Hi Point Carbine is just a waste of money, then you obviously haven't done your research. In general, you get what you pay for when buying a firearm. I suggest you save your money for a Glock or M&P, which are only a few hundred dollars more. If you can't wait that long, maybe you should look into prostitution as another source of income. Even that's a better choice than buying a Hi Point. ETA: If you don't want a Glock or M&P, fine. There are plenty of other fine choices out there that will serve you better than any Hi Point pistol or Carbine.
    1 point
  5. Ugh, fail. It seems like every SNCO wants to be back at BMT. They truly cannot distinguish between training to be in the military and actually being in the military. Military appearance standards, bearing, etc are part of an important foundation, but that's the extent of such things. These items are essentially all a trainee has to worry about and are stressed during BMT so one can quickly adopt the culture/sense of urgency/SA/attention to detail to be carried through out their career. Following BMT, the lessons learned should be - "Fixing this jet in a timely, flawless manner was sort of like making my bed perfectly each day at BMT..." NOT "I need to make my bed perfectly everyday and if it takes time away from fixing this jet then too bad..." All of these SNCOs and support leadership have a hard-on for stupid buzzwords and took the lessons at BMT/OTS/wtfever too literally. People need to realize that creating/enforcing ridiculous rules are detrimental to the actual mission because it takes duty hours away from it, distracts/confuses younger troops from their core skill set, and it degrades morale. If you are the best at your job, you ensure everyone around you is the best at their job, have mastered multiple other skills/hobbies/languages/etc, developing a cure for cancer, and still have free time, then go ahead and make your bed with hospital corners, but don't expect me to. I am not rebelling against standards; I am rebelling against assholes who suck at their job and waste everyone's time by trying to make the real warriors look bad by minute technicalities, ie minor uniform infractions. Example: CMSGT: "Excuse me Captain, your flight suit sleeves should not be rolled up even if it is 120 degrees out here..." Capt: "Noted." Later that day... CMSGT: "Sir, there seems to be a bit of rebellion out here with sleeve rolling..." WG/CC: "I'll address it." Later... WG/CC: "So, I hear you have a problem with the uniform regulations..." Capt: "No sir!" WG/CC: "I don't know anything about you or that you routinely EQ, but I now know your name and it is on the shitlist...you should be more like Capt ReachAround who spent his time finding a way to polish green boots and consequently Q3'd." Capt: "FML." All I ask is that everyone do their job, do it well, and not do stupid things like tattoo their face or wear their uniform inside out. They might ask, "How can we can expect you to fly a good jet if you can't even wear the correct color socks?" Simply reply, "Easily and skillfully because I took the time to study and perfect my skills rather than worry about stupid shit that has zero impact on ANYTHING." Enough of this crazy talk, taking things out of context, and mistaking a mission accomplishment concern for rebellion.
    1 point
  6. You know that is not our job anymore in today's Air Force. Our jobs today are to be the Wing Combined Federal Campaign Officer or the Group Christmas Party planner. Flying and studying all flying related materials are now extra duties we accomplish when we have spare time from our primary queep duties!
    1 point
  7. If we want to save fuel, we need to stop flying empty or mostly empty so damned often. I'm sure the software will help safe fuel, but when I burn 60K to fly 2 pallets of ######ing bubblewrap, my motivation to penny pinch goes up in smoke.
    1 point
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