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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2011 in all areas

  1. Ask Finance. Or the Med Group. [/sarcasm], in case you're slow...
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Only minor errors...They read the Whiteman RPA wrong..both are to Creech. The KC-10 to McGuire is Reserve. And most importantly, the Guard C-130 on the "East Coast Somewhere" is actually Reserve to Maxwell. Why most importantly, you ask?? Because it was me!
    1 point
  4. Just wanted to share this: SQUALENE CONFIRMED IN ANTHRAX VACCINE AFTER NUMEROUS PENTAGON DENIALS Representative Jack Metcalf of the State of Washington revealed in a report Thursday that the FDA found squalene in the anthrax vaccine being forced upon the U.S. military on pain of court martial and/or dishonorable discharge. The FDA confirmed the presence of squalene in the anthrax vaccine by using a more sensitive test than one used by the Pentagon. Squalene is NOT an FDA-approved substance and its consequences on health are unknown. As a vaccine booster ingredient, it is thought to increase immunity, but its use has been denied time and again by the Pentagon. Congressman Metcalf again called on the Pentagon to immediately HALT the anthrax vaccine program until the squalene source is identified and its health consequences studied. The revelation on squalene more clearly establishes that the Pentagon may be conducting "medical experiments" on service members. Other Congressional hearings have already established that the Pentagon conducted de facto experiments because it avoided organization-level FDA review before changing the way the vaccine is used and administered. The exodus of hundreds of military members, including many officers and skilled pilots, over the vaccine demonstrates the gravity of this issue as it relates to Pentagon "integrity" and the overall national defense capability. Young people thinking of joining the military may decline a tour or career when faced with such questionable and risky employment treatment. The recruiting impacts of this issue are highlighted by House and Senate Armed Services Committee testimony that the military may need up to 50,000 more members to meet current global obligations. More information on the anthrax vaccine policy will be made at the Service Member Support rally in Philadelphia this Saturday, Sept 30th at noon, the Widener Building, One South Penn Square. The "NO ABUSE" organization was established out of concern that the Department of Defense (DOD) mandatory anthrax vaccine policy represents another episode in a legacy of questionable and often harmful medical practices. Many service member relatives, as well as military, medical, legal, and policy experts assisted the House Government Reform Oversight and other Congressional Committees as they investigated the anthrax vaccine in nearly a dozen hearings during the past 18 months. These citizens determined a formal organization was necessary to address the anthrax vaccine, the planned DOD Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program (JVAP), and other related military health matters on a long-term proactive basis. The NO ABUSE (a non-profit organization) address is: P.O. Box 70186, Washington, D.C. 20024-0186, Redmond H. Handy, President. His Email address is: kernlhandy@aol.com and the Phone/fax is (202) 554-4477 ext.5993.
    -1 points
  5. Rolling back a class or two is the least of your problems. You should worry about retaining what you have already learned first.
    -1 points
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