Reminds me of a story- Dragging Marine equipment to OEF just before Christmas. The escorts didn't realize it was a Reserve keeper msn, meaning we don't crew swap when running out of duty, we crew rest and keep the jet. It's not uber efficient, but if I have to miss a holiday, I would at least like to avoid extra bag drags! There were four custodians for the equipment on 2 jets, deploying for some god awful number of days. We got to crew rest after a long day and I found out the Gunny and his 3 PFCs have no $ or orders or plans for the lodging.
I knew there was a barracks somewhere as it was a Navy base, but it was Christmas eve and a quick phone search was no joy. I put them up in a room each for $50 each for the night. Next day our msn slipped due to congestion at the destination. The Gunny and I found the barracks, which were near the rec center. Their deployment orders said nothing about lodging conditions and they had no idea they weren't in for back to back crew changes and quick turns all the way to OEF from the east coast.
When we dropped them off, I told the Gunny they could pay me back IF they ever got lodging fixed on their orders, knowing that wouldn't happen. I'm sure it's some kind of writeoff, but knew there wasn't any way to get the $ back from uncle sugar w/ a barracks technically available.
The base had a decent chow hall, turkey dinner and places for them to hang out. One of my favorite Christmas gifts I've ever given was knowing those grunts were taken care of before heading in country. Best gift received was the thanks from the Gunny.