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  1. I'm with you on your solutions; however, I would caution you to at LEAST give your DO a heads up before going VFR direct to Capt Bag-o-Douche. You do NOT want your boss to get blindsided by his boss because Capt Bag-O-Douche's boss just called him wondering why some smartass LTs were in his office bitching about jumping up and down (you know how stories get distorted). Here is how I recommend you proceed (technique only). 1. Go to your DO and tell him the story in full, preferably with names and specific words/actions of those involved 2. Advice your DO of your intentions to (professionally) confront Capt. Bag-O-Douche 3. Request ROE from your DO as applicable 4. With PID, CDE and ROE act in accordance with the SPINS.
    2 points
  2. FG, Reminds me of a story- Dragging Marine equipment to OEF just before Christmas. The escorts didn't realize it was a Reserve keeper msn, meaning we don't crew swap when running out of duty, we crew rest and keep the jet. It's not uber efficient, but if I have to miss a holiday, I would at least like to avoid extra bag drags! There were four custodians for the equipment on 2 jets, deploying for some god awful number of days. We got to crew rest after a long day and I found out the Gunny and his 3 PFCs have no $ or orders or plans for the lodging. I knew there was a barracks somewhere as it was a Navy base, but it was Christmas eve and a quick phone search was no joy. I put them up in a room each for $50 each for the night. Next day our msn slipped due to congestion at the destination. The Gunny and I found the barracks, which were near the rec center. Their deployment orders said nothing about lodging conditions and they had no idea they weren't in for back to back crew changes and quick turns all the way to OEF from the east coast. When we dropped them off, I told the Gunny they could pay me back IF they ever got lodging fixed on their orders, knowing that wouldn't happen. I'm sure it's some kind of writeoff, but knew there wasn't any way to get the $ back from uncle sugar w/ a barracks technically available. The base had a decent chow hall, turkey dinner and places for them to hang out. One of my favorite Christmas gifts I've ever given was knowing those grunts were taken care of before heading in country. Best gift received was the thanks from the Gunny.
    2 points
  3. I'm guessing the OP is referring to the video itself as "goofy" - there are some cheesy CGI graphics in it trying to depict the airstrike... I'd post the "beer toast" GIF for SSgt Gutierrez , but I can't find it on this new format...
    1 point
  4. I'd be very hesitant to even do ROTC. I'd avoid anything that leads to active duty like the plague. Get your degree. Up to you how much debt you want to incur and how worthless your degree is. Try applying directly to a guard/ reserve unit that flies something you think you'd like to fly in a location you think you'd like to live. You'll be glad you stayed as far away from AD as possible.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. GB--I worked waiting tables at a ok joint and mopping floors at an all-night convenience store, then went to early morning classes & ROTC, slept til 4, saw the wife/kid for early dinner at our crappy little hovel, then went back to work. Did it for four and a half years, lived on corn flakes and ramen w/ pell grants and student loans. Graduated only $12k in debt, got commissioned...went to UPT. It's not easy, but it is simple. Enlisting has a bad habit of derailing possibilities, and theres always a catch in my opinion...which is why I chose not to do it. YMMV. Whatever you choose...stay focussed: degree -> commission -> UPT. Good luck!
    1 point
  7. So there I was about 2 hours ago at Creech AFB. Myself and two other buddies who carpooled left the squadron for the day and began the walk through the 110 degree heat to where I had parked earlier in the day. We all get in the car, I insert(sts) the keys into the ignition, and SHIT!!! Apparently I'm stupid and need an After Parking Checklist to remember to shut the headlights off after the sun comes up. My bad! No lights, no radio, no beeping.....the battery is totally dead. So the three of us get out, and start looking for people in the parking lot with jumper cables since mine are in the garage(my bad again). We find four or five different people over about 20-25 minutes, but not a single person we could find in the parking lot had cables. One of my bros has an idea....."Why don't we call security forces, I bet they can give us a jump?". I'm thinking we don't need any gates guarded, guard shacks manned, pointless traffic tickets issued, to play cops and robbers, or to needlessly be hassled so A1C GI Joe can inflate his own ego. He calls anyway, and we all end up pleasantly surprised. They tell us they do have jumper cables and they'll be right over. So I actually felt a little bad for my stereotypical negative thoughts. I was legitimately grateful and appreciative that they were coming over to help us out. Almost a half hour later, a patrol car rolls up. A1C Toolbag gets out and asks if we were the ones who need a jump. We proceed to thank him and tell him yep, thats us! He says just a second, let me call HQ real fast for just a second. So he gets on the phone and calls in talking for about 5 minutes. So next he walks over, and tells us "So yea, about that jump. We actually can't do that. You know, its kind of a liability issue and for safety reasons and regulations and we can't damage our car and blah blah blah." So we ask "Well, can we at least borrow the jumper cables so we can find a jump from someone else?" He says "Yea, thats fine. Let me call HQ real fast." So he calls HQ up again and talks for another 5 minutes. Walks back over and says "Yea, so about borrowing 'our' jumper cables....We can't let you do that. You know, safety first, and liability issues. We care about you, and don't want to damage any of the cars and blah blah blah." So the three of us are fuming at this point. We've been outside(110 out) for almost an hour trying to find jumper cables. "So your telling me you can't help out at all?" Reply "No, I'm sorry sir. Liability." "You seriously can't even let us borrow the jumper cables for 5 minutes?" Reply "No, liability sir." "WHAT THE HELL IS THE LIABILITY?" Reply "Personal injury and/or damage to the car, sir." "WTF???? You realize the Air Force trusts me to fly multi million dollar aircraft around every day, and I also just so happen to be an Electrical Engineer. I don't understand the liability here, I just want some help." Reply "Sorry sir". "Have you ever heard of the wingman concept? Or that the Air Force is supposed to be like one big happy family? Are you guys opposed to helping people?" Reply: Deer in the head lights look.... "Can we at least get a ride to the BX so we can buy a set of jumper cables?" Reply "Ummm....no. Sorry sir, thats against policy." "Whose decision was that letting us borrow the cables would be a liability?" Reply "Capt @ssclown, our OIC sir." Apparently Capt @$sclowns policy is that helping fellow uniformed airmen on base is a liability that should be avoided at all costs. We walked a half mile to the BX, and bought jumper cables for $20 bucks. Total fricken bs...I'm pretty sure the whole situation would have been very different had we been squadron commanders or colonels instead of LTs. Found someone else who was happy to help us out, and were on our way. I'm still kind of pissed off, and on the drive back here are the options we came up with: 1. Send an angry reply to the Capt(and the wing) summarizing the situation and donating the jumper cables so anyone who needs help in the future can use them without security forces having to accept the liability. 2. Basically the same as 1, but only send the email to the squadron summarizing the situation and donating the cables to the squadron so nobody gets screwed in the future(and hope someone in the squadron thinks its bs). 3. Walk into the Capts office while carrying the jumper cables, ask wtf his problem is and demand the regulation or document that states they couldn't provide help to us. And then donate the cables while making it clear he is a douche. 4. Target this guy with some really good pranks(take a dump in his office, slash his tires, sign him up for Playgirls at work, etc...)
    1 point
  8. The price hike didn't bother me. Splitting streaming from DVDs bothers me. The list of random changes the Air Force has made is endless.
    1 point
  9. Their price restructure wasn't random. Acquisition costs were about to skyrocket: the price model that NF was working under was based on an old "lets see where this internet streaming idea goes", and was about to increase fivefold as Hollywood now has a good handle on the profit potential. Likewise, although the USPS woes are only now making the MSM front page, companies who's entire distribution (for the disk side) depended have had a finger on the pulse of that trainwreck for some time. Random they weren't. Heavy handed and without regard to the consumer, yes. Believe it or not, despite all of my bitching on this board, I still subscribe to the old-school sentiment that says the AF shouldn't give two shits about my personal desires; that, yes, Needs of the Air Force should be the trump in management and decision making. But I also see things happening, beyond the AF and even DoD, that has the potential for long term unintended consequences. The operative question here will be how the AF navigates these unpredictable events. Bang-bang, like always? (like NF, in this case?) And like MMoose in his original post, I think that might be worth thinking about.
    1 point
  10. haha.. funny stories. The most annoying guy in my school last year just enlisted in security. At our multi-cultural festival a couple years ago, he went in front of the whole school to introduce the club he was in, the Pacific Islander club. The guy is white. 5 foot 7, 130 lb, shaved head, glasses, attending a 80% white highschool. To the ~1500 students in the gym, he goes "When I first came to [insert my school's name], I didn't feel like I fit in. but then I found the pacific islander club, and I really felt like I fit in with my own people." uncontrollable laughter and disbelief ensue and out came the pacific islander club, about 20 250lb tongans doing a soweet tribal dance. ah, poor guy. ok well theres my security story, maybe ill have a new one in like 5 years.
    1 point
  11. Rolling back a class or two is the least of your problems. You should worry about retaining what you have already learned first.
    0 points
  12. Your word choice indicates at least two separate experiences. If you're dead set on getting a Bachelor's degree, then you need to focus on getting a useful degree. If you get a specialty (worthless) degree just to check the box for Big Blue, you're going to be laughed at by even more companies if you don't get picked up by the AF...especially since we're heading for lots of belt-tightening due to the current economic situation.
    -1 points
  13. Ok, so I had to use the ######ing search to piece together your whole story... Since you currently have some sort of seemingly worthless Associate of Arts degree...have you looked into a 2 year Bachelor's program rather than spending four more years trying to finish college? On another note...despite what the world is telling people, higher education is not always the right thing for a person...just sayin' that one assumed failed attempt at college ($20k debt) and an AA degree from nowhere...and you're going back for more? I just don't get the impression that pursuing the pilot thing is the right choice...
    -2 points
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