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  1. "Left waist, top turret." "Go for left waist." "I noticed you missed that last Messerschmidt. It is probably due to the tigers and naked girls painted on the back of your jacket."
    1 point
  2. What makes me qualified? How about our regs that say we need to be familiar with the approach to BACKUP the pilots up. Please refer to our MDS Vol 3, if you want to get educated on my job responsibilities. Have fun flying UAV's someday oh great one. And hard landings happen idiot, check my medical records. This thread is Boom Operator Q & A, not idiots with their 2 cents. STANDBY you are excused. Please find another forum and tell them how big your dick is. Maybe someone else will be impressed, because this old sarge isn't.
    1 point
  3. Not a douche comment, honestly wondering what makes you qualified to comment on instrument approaches. I won't argue that a crew save is a good save, because it's true. The next time you want to comment on hard landings feel free to fly an AMP-4 on a 0 illum night. If not, then shut the ###### up.
    1 point
  4. I've been in the guard for over 10 years now and as of late I believe that we are getting more and more like AD everyday. The new AEF cycle, the Bureau taking anything that AMC seems to give us, proliferation of Academy (the one in C Springs, not the former one in Knoxville) Grads that came from AD to the guard, have all added up to a condition that many of us are waiting until the day that the airlines start hiring in mass numbers. I can say that we still have good attitudes and most units have really good people there, but after 10 years of crap being funneled down our throats, most of us are looking for a way out. I believe that if the job markets for pilots turn around, things will change dramatically....the 65 rule can't come soon enough.
    1 point
  5. They made +0.02% today. Much better that the -4.81% I lost today on all of my other investments.
    1 point
  6. Not on your life... 1. Netflix broke faith with the #1 thing they had going in their favor, a loyal customer base. 2. Netflx had a huge war reserve but spent it buying back stock at a premium ($220.00 a share). 3. Netflix sold bonds to finance further by backs and I believe they are technically insolvent right now, although only an accounting issue. 4. The "new deal" with Facebook excludes U.S. citizens (U.S. Law prevents some of the video sharing plans they have), so I don;t see a big impact in the short-term. 5. By splitting the business model they opened the door for someone else to steal their mojo. 6. They failed to finish Blockbuster (They should have bought them instead of letting Dishnet get them for pennies on the dollar). Now Blockbuster is resurgent with a brilliant marketing campaign aimed at disgruntled Netlfix customers. Even more important, it looks like Blockbuster will offer a Dishnet (and Starz which was the main provider of Netflix content), stream service starting sometime between Oct-Dec. They are also offering Blueray and Video Game rental within the primary price point. If the stream is realized, they could actually be cheaper than Netflix...oh karma is a bitch. NFLX has some potential and there are those who would say it is undervalued...maybe Amazon will buy them, but the icing on the cake is the insider trading...Reed Hastings and the other seniors at NFLX have done nothing but sell for the last six months...
    1 point
  7. Same reason they are issued a brain with the same restrictions, apparently... 1. Good on you for calling the sky cops. Horrible reaction on their part. 2. While pranks and a 4v1 BFM engagement on Capt A$$clown seem like a good idea right now, I'd advise against it. 3. Let your DO know what's going on. I haven't met many DOs in the flying world who couldn't handle this at their level without getting anyone else in an uproar (think squadron commanders and higher). The only worse thing would be to let your commander/DO get blindsided by this at the next Wing Staff meeting. Most of 'em are willing to take a little shit for you if they know the details and know you meant no harm/were trying to hack the mish/etc. 4. Let your bros know the situation with a colorful powerpoint presentation with dozens of animations an e-mail or a Friday story & let 'em know that the squadron has a new pair of Captain Assclown Memorial Jumper Cables available and they will be kept in the bar heritage room in case anyone needs them again. Hell, make a plaque and mount (sts) the damn thing on the wall in the bar. For those who desire these cogitations in powerpoint form, get bent.
    1 point
  8. Ask Finance. Or the Med Group. [/sarcasm], in case you're slow...
    1 point
  9. You should see the looks I get when as a SNCO I tell people this. We are to touchy feely and want to make every one seem important. The Chief about shit a brick when I told him that not everyone in the AF is a warrior. Just because you are necessary doesn’t make you important!
    1 point
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