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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2011 in all areas

  1. We didn't send out the cops, arrest and try all the dudes who signed up for the Confederate Army back in 1861 either. We sent the US Army and Navy after their asses. Precedent? I think there's plenty of precedent in our past demonstrating we can and will use military action against citizens who equally take up armed insurrection of any type against our nation.
    2 points
  2. Constitutional Law not your thing, huh? http://constitutionality.us/TheConstitution.html The Constitution protects our rights (Congress shall make no law verbiage) and structures government. Even in your quote "Shall not be infringed" it is fairly evident.
    1 point
  3. All I can say is mmmm BACN
    1 point
  4. This is what happens when a Hawg tries to do a fix-to-fix.
    1 point
  5. What about the right of life to those he was plotting to kill? At what point do their rights begin to matter? This fucker left this country with no plans to return (unless he was to return with explosives in his shorts). He declared war on these United States and we have evidence that he was actively involved in past acts of war/terrorism (not going to get into semantics) against us and was plotting future acts against us as well. This is was not a criminal that we could send the cops out to arrest and then try before a jury of his peers. This fucker is was an enemy of the country operating from foreign soil. Period dot. By the way, there is plenty of precedent for this. For example, there were American citizens of German descent in WW2 that went to fight for Germany. We didn't try to arrest those guys, did we? Fuck no. They were enemy combatants regardless of citizenship. American lives were just saved and no one should miss a wink of sleep over that.
    1 point
  6. Rainman won, I was worn out from nailing your mom.
    1 point
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