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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2011 in all areas

  1. Hearing this morning, case dismissed in 6.9 seconds.
    3 points
  2. It's on youtube here (sorry don't know or want to figure out how embed vids in the new layout): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B81KaCZtBiQ I taught a course on the Air Force and National Security to a "Lifelong Learning" association (translation: retirees & older folks) recently consisting of numerous veterans. I opened the presentation with this video and it was a grand slam. It immediately connected my generation with theirs. Best Air Force Video ever, too bad it's not the Air Force's. zb
    2 points
  3. Judge - "You are charged with a speeding infraction, how do you plead? Me - "Deny" (you have three options "Accept", "Accept with explanation", or "Deny"). Judge - "What is your testimony?" Me - Handed Judge a diagram with trig function solving the beam spread, "Your honor, as you can see from the picture, given a five degree beam at 100', the beam width is 8.8' and there are clearly two cars in the beam". Judge - Shook her skull back and forth and said "you are absolutely correct, the state cannot say beyond a reasonable doubt which vehicle is speeding, case dismissed". Masshole...
    1 point
  4. RF The Amazon stock issue is being sorted as we speak - they are an utter pain in the arse to work with and it's almost impossible to work out how their system works. Anyway, PM me with your address (or your Dad's) and I'll send him a copy of the book for free. It would be our honour to do so. It shouldn't be a problem for me to work out his name, but if you'd supply it anway then I can make sure that we can personalise the package appropriately. Steve In fact, I may send it via Sam Deas (the author) so that he can sign it and then send it on.
    1 point
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