It means to stop using the AEF system and start assigning people full time like you would for a "normal" weapon system. ACC has been given a deadline of Q1 FY13 to transition to a "normal" manning structure for the MC-12. Won't happen by then, but they're on notice from CSAF and the other MAJCOMs that it's time to man their own airframe rather than have everyone else man their airframe for them. They've been using OCO funds to provide the manning, rather than POMing and spending normal manpower $ like any other MWS does.
ACC only ever POM'ed for enough permanent party billets to provide a 2.5 crew ratio (plus the FTU.) But they keep saying they need a 5.0 deployed crew ratio, and they had planned to continue to use the AEF manning to make up the difference. The Rated Summit said they have to either fund those extra billets, get the ARC to provide them through an associate-type arrangement, or change their deployed crew ratio down to whatever they're willing or able to fund. Or some other possibility, but stop using AEF manning.
It does not (necessarily) mean that just cause you deployed in the MC-12 once, are scheduled to, or have volunteered to do so, that you'll get tagged to non-vol PCS to Beale. There are more guys that have flown the MC-12 than there will be billets at Beale. Although, it might open up the possibility of getting hired into an ARC associate unit if they choose to go that route.