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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2012 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. They must have missed the 100% shred policy CBT.
    3 points
  3. Those of us who don't agree will either be RIFed or not selected for command due to not toeing the party line. Stuff like this has a way of self perpetuating.
    1 point
  4. That letter in both its details and the mere fact of its existence says it all. The author points out the "lawful order" and supplement signed off by 2 lieutenant generals and 1 brigadier general. The author works for the local wing commander either a BG or an O-6. And this is tolerated. It is not the "chiefs" doing it, it is the Air Force's leadership ceding that leadership to someone else, in this case the Chiefs' union. Failure of USAF leadership and not the senior enlisted. I am sad for you.
    1 point
  5. This whole thing was a fucking clown act. Give the guy some big red shoes and a squeaky nose.
    1 point
  6. Standing by to complete new pre-deployment CBT about Muslim sensitivity...
    1 point
  7. Exactly, let the fucking Taliban take them back into the Stone Age. The Afghanis have had their chance to get their shit together (and over ten years to do so), and this is how they show their appreciation for all those who have tried to help them have a better life? And what about those who have been injured or killed in the process? 2014 can't get here fast enough.
    1 point
  8. One piece of advice to the new guys. Learn the local area operating procedures cold. Knowing the airplane is important, but knowing where to park, the rules for the pattern, departure procedures, etc are something you use on every single flight. Knowing the tire pressure on the nose wheel won't do you a damn bit of good when you are sitting at the hold short line and can't remember the proper radio call and clown up the pattern as a result. This will apply to UPT/IFF/RTU as well. By the time you get to your RTU, you'll have about a week to learn what you need to learn about the jet and then be in to the tactics and such. In the Eagle B Course, we had 4 days on systems and then it was right into Offensive BFM and Refueling. The course is 6 months. Do the math. FWIW, I went through IFS several years ago as a prior CFII and took it lightly. The flying was not a problem for me, but I had my attitude adjusted and conformed to the AF way of business. Pretty humbling, but it worked out well for me. And last, but certainly not least: Learn to bounce back while at IFS. To even get to that point, you've been a successful person and aren't used to failing. I have a very good friend who had been top dog at every single thing he had ever done until he started flying. He flat out sucked. It took him until T-38's to learn to let it roll off his back and actually LEARN from his mistakes. Telling yourself "I suck, I'll never get this" does you no good. Going back on your flights and remembering when you pulled power and floated too far on landing and adjusting from that will make you better. My technique whenever I do something incorrectly is to look at it as a challenge and best that challenge. It's just the dumb jock in me, but I turn things like that into a competition. I get pissed off AT THE PROBLEM (not myself) and attack it until I have beaten it (sts). Find what works for you, and deal with problems, not beat yourself up. Best of luck to all!
    1 point
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