It might be possible...I know a guy who went sooner. Keep your dreams in mind, but...
Lose this attitude ASAP. No one at Pensacola gives a shit that you really, really wanted to be a pilot and neither will anyone at your gaining unit. Like I said before, if you show up as a brand new CSO and are only interested in being a pilot you're experience interacting with other CSOs will probably not be great.
The grass is always greener man, there are ups and downs in every job. There are great CSO missions out there, when it comes time to pick concentrate on those rather than what will lead you to the front seat fastest.
It sure doesn't sound that way. The biggest thing holding you back from what you want might well be your attitude and that's one of the easiest things to fix. Fix it.
If you can't live with being a CSO for minimum of 3-4 years and probably for the rest of your career considering your age, do not complete CSO training, do not pass GO, do not collect $200. If you're really so hard up to be a pilot, DOR, do your 4-6 years as a comm officer or whatever, get out and become a commercial pilot.