1, More of a technical issue but getting rid of the Java program (gradkell?) that takes 6-9 minutes to load when you start up and, along with the 6-9 redirects and popups, is the most frequent reason for DTS not working on government computers.
2. +1 on the logical flow/explanation. For fund cites, include a way to look them up or otherwise reference what they actually apply to (unit funded vs contingency vs TDY-to-school, etc). to reduce the last minute phone calls to RAs.
3. Ability to pull data from the GTC system - Quicken, etc can pull transaction/investment data from any brokerage or bank. Then DTS can immediately verify you paid $690.00 for airfare on this date vs waiting for receipts to be scanned, interpreted, etc. Won't always work for transactions not processed yet, cases where the GTC wasn't used, etc but would cut out a lot of the virtual paper. Those that still need to be sent in can use the phone scan feature.