I think you need to grab a brand-new airman and watch him try to self-navigate through it in order to get this right. Whenever you have to say something, you need to write it down, because that's where DTS failed to be intuitive.
1. Something plainly labeled "scanned receipts and documents". all by itself...at the end. And it should accept JPG, TIF, PDF, DOC, XPS etc.
2. A clear, graphical representation of the steps for a voucher. Auth, vouch, money - and how it "reserves" and releases money. We still have about a third of our folks modifying their authorization instead of creating a voucher....because it's on the front page.
3. Mother of god - a logical flow - created by a real graphic web designer?
4. Can we call rental cars....rental cars, instead of commercial auto, TDY?
5. WTF happened to group authorizations? That was a huge time-saver.
6. I want to use my phone to take pictures of my reciepts and have an email/phone number to email/text them in....ala USAA check deposits.