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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2012 in all areas

  1. Wow, tough to believe it's been 30 years... Still one of the best 80s movies ever made! Cheers! M2
    1 point
  2. Amen. I wore my UPT-issued Addisons on every non-deployed flight until 31 Oct 2011 and have kept them in case the Air Force ever regains SA and lets us wear them again. Hell, I'll probably ask to be buried in them. I don't believe I'll ever think that the green boots don't look dumb. I took pride in keeping my black boots clean and at least somewhat polished. Polishing them was a pre-checkride ritual. Gone are the days when you could judge a pilot's experience by how many eyelets on his boots had the black coating worn off. The rudder pedals still don't feel right. Fighter pilots, those are the things you press with your feet to make the aircraft yaw.
    1 point
  3. Ok, So I got hired by a Viper Unit for FY13 (my Officer/UPT packet should be on its way to DC next week after I swear in on the 16th), I already am Commercial Multi/Instrument rated. So I assume this means I can expect to not get an IFS date from the Bureau? My burning question is, Does this mean in Phase 2 of UPT (beginning of T-6's) will they teach the "military" only type things they teach at IFS? Like military traffic patterns and radio calls etc.? I could be completely wrong, they may already teach that stuff at UPT and not at IFS, not sure, but the only stupid question is the one that you don't ask right?
    1 point
  4. Somebody's gettin' a threesome tonight. Giggiddy.
    1 point
  5. This guy "mitchell.alaska" on Flickr has some of the absolute best aviation photography I've seen. Of course, I may just be partial since he's AK ANG and as a result they're mostly CSAR- https://www.flickr.co...s/25702253@N04/ Unfortunately he recently set most of his images to private or something, so the majority don't show up. Somehow using search I was able to turn up a few shots, but they're no longer the super high-res versions. That being said, if you have the time be sure to go through all of them- https://www.flickr.co...%40N04&ss=2&z=m Here's some of his air to air pics-
    1 point
  6. When you have that much testosterone, he probably shaved at breakfast.
    1 point
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