There has been some post-election gouging of prices, but I went by an Academy store yesterday after work and not only were the shelves filled as normal, but the firearms cases were as well. That said, Cheaper Than Dirt did increase their price on .223 by over a hundred dollars a case but I don't see such actions occurring much or lasting long.
As for the UN treaty, it's another thing I am not going to get worried about. At this past weekend's gun show, and even at the gun shop I stopped by on Thursday, people were talking like the Obama re-election is going to cause the Second Amendment to go away. As you said, it requires ratification by a two-thirds majority and I don't think even the Democrats are that stupid. It's just more mouthwash from Obama to look like he's keeping with the Democratic agenda. One-third of those Senate seats will be contested in two years, 20 of which are currently behind held by Democrats. That party has done a great job of walking a fine line of not pissing off the huge minority that doesn't support it, such an action as ratifying this UN treaty could be the catalyst to cause independents to join forces with the Republicans to replace those who supported it.
So far this hasn't been a repeat of 2008 in terms of overreaction to the election, thank God. I suspect as always some will try to take advantage of the paranoid, but for the most part I don't see any government action to suppress the rights of gun owners (the number and rights of which have been growing considerably over the past few years, Oklahoma just passed open carry effective 1 Nov of this year) as it would be very stupid to target that demographic. While some Democrats may preach gun control, I still think there is a large number of Conservatives in that party that realize what a stupid idea it is and will not join in on the effort.
Just my 2ยข, your mileage may vary, etc...
Cheers! M2