That's a good perspective. I was an airlifter before & during the OIF surge, so I heard stories about what McChrystal did but had no actual experience with the fight except as vouyer. I was excited to be working for him in 09, but the reality didn't fit the stories. Listened to him speak on several occasions, he was, at that point, a true believer in COIN which I have come to believe is a fundamentally flawed theory of war. The teams I worked for were utterly disgusted. The pace increased when he left and Petraeus came on.
At that level though, it's more about how much aggression you allow vice how much you actually lead. The best GOs provide intent and wide boundaries for the few who get things done.
Either way, talking to the media and putting pussy on a pedestal took down 2 major leaders; losing sight of the basics has consequences.