What's the name of the mode AV8Bs use when they carry x2 GBU54s, spend 20 minutes on station without shooting (because it takes 10 minutes to tally and longer for clearance) then dump a -54 in the ocean before they land because STOVL requirements make them unable to land with x2 500 pounders...... and then they do that daily for 4 months until they run out of bombs and have to sail home? I want to know what that mode is called because I don't think we should equip the F35 with that function.
Seriously, is the juice worth the squeeze WRT STOVL? In these times of fiscal austerity, and with a national strategic switch from 2 simultaneous to 1 major war at a time, I think the obvious answer is no. The Marines are notorious for caring only about the Marines and Marine CAPES.