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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2012 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Yeah, "non-punishable, but if we find something that violates GO-1B, we'll prosecute you, but we're not on a witch-hunt...unless we find something. And even though it's not a witch-hunt, we're reporting the data squadron by squadron, but there won't be any punishment, unless we decide your squadron has too much of the stuff, then we'll make an example".
    4 points
  3. I work about 20-25 miles from Seymour Johnson and during the day you can normally always hear the Strike Eagles up relatively high. Not today, what must have been a pair came over low enough to set off car alarms in the parking lot. If anyone is at SJ, I'd like to register some kind of a complaint if you don't come by again tomorrow... Strikes while I'm at work, and low level Herks from Pope when I'm home. Doesn't get much better!
    2 points
  4. Sounds like enough money to go ahead with the super stealthy awesome Avro now right?
    2 points
  5. So you can decline the PCS and maybe get a bad deal, or you can accept it, incur additional ADSC, and definitely get a bad deal? Sounds like a no-brainer to me. I've been deployed to nicer places than Clovis.
    1 point
  6. SFGuy's post has been re-approved given Axle's acquital. I PM'd him about why it was temporarily unapproved and he understood. Sorry, but no. While it is OK for individuals to give advice on here; anyone needing true legal representation should contact a lawyer and not depend solely on what is recommended to them on an Internet forum (even this one). If you want to know more about the military legal system, I suggest reading The Military Commander and the Law. It contains everything most military personnel need to know about the UCMJ and military proceedings. Beyond that, you need to talk to a JAG/ADC/etc. Cheers! M2
    1 point
  7. Mel Brooks had it right, Philosopher equals Bullshit Artist. I'm glad these kids are learning great things about our world. Out
    1 point
  8. I know a physicist who just read Hitchhiker's Guide...
    1 point
  9. The party that wants to let people keep their money because its not going make a bit of difference is the one that's wrong? Oh yeah I forgot democrats feel entitled to everyone's money.
    1 point
  10. Then why the fuck are the democrats so keen on raising the tax rate for the top 2%? Everybody and their brother knows that isn't going to do jack to close the deficit or reduce debt. The only explanation that makes sense is idealogical need to fix income inequality (aka "redistribute wealth").
    1 point
  11. Nsplayr, I was in that exact situation after a non-vol to a base whose identity you can surely surmise. To confirm what Dupe said, if I had 7-day opted, my DOS would have been set for the day my Nav school commitment was up. I elected to go ahead and take the known bad deal (with some hope for a better one down the road) rather than commit myself to getting out in 3 years with whatever potential bad deals awaited in the interim. Based on your BODN history, I'm guessing your orders are to the same base where I was sent. In any case, good luck figuring it out!
    1 point
  12. Well, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, and local property taxes aren't exactly helping to balance the federal budget, are they?
    1 point
  13. I get your point, but the government can only control its income to a certain extent. If the tax rates are all doubled, the total revenue will not double because people will make and spend less, the economy will slow down, and the national taxable income will decrease. Quadruple taxes and you will have either a revolution, a completely failed economy, or both. So, if you attack my simplification, don't over simplify in your counter-argument. Apparently my idea of a general principle in civil government participation was taken alternately as a 'this is a law we should pass' and a "softball" approach. I said nothing about combat zone tax exclusions; obviously if you are risking your life for your country, you should have a say in how the country is run. But contrary to Joe's swing and a miss at my softball pitch, I also never said anything about amount of taxes paid other than zero or greater than zero. It just pisses me off that we currently have people in this country who are physically and mentally capable of work yet chose to instead live off the the government. If unemployment went back to how it started under King FDR where people who wanted an unemployment check were put to work building roads and such, I bet we wouldn't have to extend unemployment benefits to TWO YEARS. You want a check? Here's a shovel, get to work. Strange, unemployment claims just dropped by 90%. All I'm saying is that people should contribute to the governance of their country before they're able to vote themselves more benefits at someone else's expense. If you break into your rich neighbor's house and steal his wallet, you're a criminal. But vote for a politician who does the same thing with taxes simply because the rich guy is successful and works harder and it is perfectly fine.
    1 point
  14. Still think Jared has a good case, but I'm biased. I assume they will wrap up tomorrow. I had never met Jared before Tuesday morning, when I shook his hand, and said "we're rooting for you." No need for a thread...if questioned, don't say shit without a lawyer, ever. Even if you are 110% innocent.
    1 point
  15. The people that enforcing these new policies are the same people that wore or approved these patches.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. RAB, as an outsider, I think you are mistakenly taking offense to the local vernacular. "Dude" is NOT a term of disrespect and, I can assure you that no one here means any disrespect to your kin, quite the opposite in fact. Go read some of the past threads involving casualties, I doubt you'll find any names in there either, maybe a callsign or two, but that's it. I'm not here to play the blame game, but I can tell you that the Air Force has an unfortunate habit of crucifying people simply due to circumstantial proximity to unfortunate incidents. We're not trying to blame people here, we're trying to support our bros here who are being thrown under the bus. No, I don't have a lot of the facts, but based on extensive experience with this shit, I can certainly tell you that there is an extremely high probability that this court martial is built on bullshit and a sense of self preservation of a lot of "leadership". Furthermore, as tough a pill as it is to swallow, you need to understand that people make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes cost them, or someone else, their life and that's just the business we're in. And if you think Francis was the first guy to take a fall on the DZ.... So, next time you feel the urge to roll in hot on a bunch of dudes who sacrifice more on a daily basis than you probably have in your entire life, slow your roll, ease up off it, try to learn up yourself and understand who is actually on your side. Honestly dude, I am truly sorry for your loss, but understand that there are a ton of Francis' bros out there who got to go home to their kids thanks to the tireless efforts of a lot of the guys on this forum. Respect that. Big ups.
    1 point
  18. Check it out: Looks like humans get to fight Godzilla, Rodan, & Gamera using Johnny Sokko's Giant Robot;
    1 point
  19. Watch yourself... you are talking to someone who is actually related to Francis. There is absolutely no shame in asking that a bunch of people, who obviously don't know him, have enough RESPECT to call him by his name. I have only asked that people be slightly more respectful, nowhere did I ever state that anyone here didn't understand what it is to lose someone. I am only reminding people that there are two sides to this story. Try a little respect yourself.
    1 point
  20. Complicated or interesting? I think the latter. The real issue here is that the federal government spending has grown so much that any reasonable tax rate increase still won't cover the expenses. They seem incapable of passing and adhering to a budget. Consider this example; your friend told you that he makes 50K a year and spends 90K a year. He realizes he can't pay his credit card debt and asks you for advice. How many of you are really going to tell him that it's not his spending that's the problem, it's the fact that he only makes 50K a year and he should go find a job that pays 100K a year, then he'd have 10K extra to spend. You make a budget to match your income, not the other way around. Once they can pass and stick to a budget, then they can talk income but to talk about raising revenue by X% while the deficit is 10 times X% is absurd. For sidebar consideration: the protests that started the American Revolution used the phrase 'no taxation with out representation'. In my opinion, the reverse should also be true. If you don't pay federal income tax, you don't get a say in what those tax rates are and you don't get a say in what the government does with those taxes. Same for state taxes.
    1 point
  21. at least he's not a cowboys fan. Makes him okay in my book.
    1 point
  22. Did she come from Cal City Prison?
    1 point
  23. Ah, the ol' Cooper-Harper scale...
    1 point
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