UPDATE: YouTube embedding has been simplified, see DFRESH's post below for details. Is this you when you when you try to embed YouTube videos in your posts? If so, see below. 1) In order for the video to actually show up instead of just a link, you must use a properly formatted address inside the "media" tags. This is the right way (without the spaces, of course):
[ media ] http :// www. youtube .com/ watch?v= N5EaSFsDvEg [ /media ]
If you try to embed with any variation of the address other than the one shown above, it won't work. The key is the part in red. You have to enter the full YouTube domain name, not a shortened one like "youtu.be.com." Leave out anything that comes between the "?" and "v=" 2) If the address you are trying to embed with looks similar to any of the following, simply reformat the address as shown above by deleting the parts in blue and keeping the rest. If you see a "&" anywhere in the address, that's your clue to edit:
http :// www. youtube .com /watch? feature=player_profilepage& v= dgDlV0f6lx4 (<---note where the "v=" is)
http :// www. youtube .com /watch?v= YmXvQqEcJZ8 &feature=youtu.be
3) Video ID's are composed of upper and lower case alphanumeric characters and may also have hyphens or underscores. Simply place the video ID after the "=" and you are good to go. Examples: 3iNBbrV6-CM