JASDF ATC is a living, breathing example of how MORE comm does not equal more SA. I love loathe keying the mic 14 times more than necessary on a clear VFR day, while they make 69 useless radio calls instead of actually managing the pattern like they're supposed to do.
My personal favorite sequence here w/the JASDF:
"Viper 1, initial."
"Viper 1, report blake."
"Viper 1, in the break."
"Viper 1, report base."
"Viper 1, base, gear, stop."
"Viper 1, gear check, crear to rand, lunway 28."
"Viper 2, base, gear, stop."
"Viper 2, gear check, tlaffic turning base to final, F-16 randing lunway 28."
Every. Goddamn. Time.