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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2013 in all areas

  1. Some guys get f-cked and punch, others get on the fast track and love the game of ball fondling that gets them to their next step. A lot I talk to are like me.....joined for the right reasons, then realized the USAF is such a poorly run organization that is is frustrating to be a part of....Love the flying and bros....hate/despise the system. I have 8 years until retirement, with the bonus...worth dodging the bad deals til then for my future goals. The USAF has sadly just become a job. I get paid $110K+ and the occasionally flight as payment to play a stupid game with subpar management/leadership and live in some below average places. The saddest part for me is how much I used to love the USAF and the esteem I once held it in before I realized what a sh-tshow it actually was.
    3 points
  2. So the relative handful of people flying Gulfstreams, BBJs, and 75s out of DC to cool places worldwide, all while never deploying, are happy with the AF (and yet still won't sign the bonus)? Weird.
    2 points
  3. Fuck that, the kids a hero.
    2 points
  4. "It" was still a "he" while in the SEALs, therefore whatever happensmafterwards doesn't make you the first female SEAL, just makes you a former SEAL with some serious problems.
    1 point
  5. I agree, that's pretty sick. I can't believe she is charged with a crime though. And how is this any less "Unnatural or perverted" than homosexual man on man love? If gay love is the new norm in our immoral society, you should be able to marry and fuk a damn chicken if you so desire.
    1 point
  6. I think that's a prerequisite to get a job with LSI
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I wasn't on board with the idea of a draft either...but part of what doing a draft does is forces people from a large cross-section into the military. Even if the rich and influential people manage to keep their kids out, you now have voters across a large spectrum who are in the military or have kids in the military. Because we've shown the American people we'll do any job, no matter the cost or lack of resources, and because so few Americans have contact with the military, we are now the answer to every problem. Libya? Send the military. Afghanistan? Send the military. Iran? Military will take care of it. The American people are far too willing to commit to military action because, on the whole, it costs them nothing. Their kids aren't in. It's all financed with deficit spending, so their taxes aren't going up. There are no food or steel or rubber shortages. It makes the American people apathetic when our political leadership wants to use the military for every minor problem around the world. Part of what convinced our government to end Vietnam was the fact that draftees came from a wide-range of backgrounds, creating a wide-spread opposition to sending our military to die in a rice field thousands of miles away for nebulous objectives. Now, most Americans couldn't find Iraq and Afghanistan on a map, and most think we're done deploying.
    1 point
  9. Someone please put that funny goat/alpaca/llama thing in here now.
    1 point
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