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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2013 in all areas

  1. Well, that and their complete lack of ability to survive in a non-permissive or denied environment.
    4 points
  2. I want to know more about these land lords who are just mopping up.
    3 points
  3. This. I always loved how low on SA the preds were in a stack. That's not to shit on the pilots, they knew their systems' limitations and worked diligently to mitigate, but sometimes it would get to be a bit much, and suddenly someone in the stack would call out moderate turbulence for no reason... But one day, those weaknesses will be overcome. Most likely once the Google's and Microsofts out there start playing. A few nerds can build a self driving car on their spare time, but a major defense contractor can't make a gradesheet program for UPT without 10 years of Beta testing? And we wonder why we're broke.
    3 points
  4. I punched very recently. I was at the 12 year mark. It wasn't because I hated AD, leadership, or my job. In fact, I loved the job. My thing was I wanted to call my own shots, live where I wanted to live, and I had no desire to go to staff, or PCS anymore. I was ready to grow some roots. I also figured if I was going to have a bit of a pay cut for a while, now was the time to do it. (Kid's are young and I don't have much debt.) I was fortunate enough to have an ANG gig lined up in my hometown, so that will help with the $$ for a while. Plus, I didn't want to totally give up "the life" and serving in some capacity. I don't have another job quite yet, but I do believe that there will be some opportunity in the airlines coming up. Sure, it may not the "hiring boom" some are suggesting but if I am fortunate enough to land a job, I think there is a better chance to gain seniority now than there has been in quite some time... I get it, it's not a perfect industry, and I am not stupid enough to think that I'll be sitting in the right seat of a FedEx jet in a few months, but I'm pretty sure I'll find something to do... I have ZERO regrets at this point, and I'm VERY happy with the decision. I've seen my family more in the last three months than I have in the past decade. I've been hanging out at the beach, drinking, and having a hell of a summer just doing shit I like to do. Sure, there's some uncertainty ahead, but I'm confident things will be just fine without the security of AD. Hey, if the bottom completely falls out of my plan, I can just come back to AD because the manning plan is so fu%*ed up, I may even score a huge sign on bonus! Good luck to anyone else getting ready to make the decision...
    3 points
  5. I don't know $h!t about firing bullets from an aircraft at stuff on the ground but that rope is too damn short.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. From the gunship side (and yeah, I get that they are only 1 piece) yes, Melrose is worse than the Eglin Range complex. The fancy new targets are nice, but provide nothing in increased training value. Only moving targets would do that, but AFSOC wouldn't spend the money. Otherwise it's just something shiny to look at while you squeeze off a round. The airspace is more restrictive than Eglin because of the impact areas' proximity to the eastern edge of the Restricted Area which makes manuevers while live firing or integration with fast movers difficult. For 90% of the time AFSOC has existed at Cannon, there has only been one impact area open and available for gunhsip use making live fire scheduling harder than anything I ever saw with Eglin. And, it's been rectified, but for a long time AFSOC did NOT own the range, and DID NOT set priority on Melrose range. As far as the terrain being simliar to where we fight: put down the kool-ad. I think most would agree that OEF is one of the most straightforward battlefields we will ever see (and we've got 12yrs experience with it), we shouldn't be training to the lowest common denominator. We should be training towards the most difficult theater, and then when the Afghanistan's of the world come around, it'll be a cakewalk. Plow out a dirt LZ anywhere in the world to let the rotary wing guys deal with brownout landings, and call it good. I'll give you the low-level routes over Hurlburt, but just barely. And from the gunship side, simulating full mission profiles over Clovis/Portales day after day after day because we don't have the legs to make the next nearest civilization center has drained so much expertise from the community, it's sad. Cannon meant to reduce deployment time to the Pacific? Joke. Hope you don't have to deploy a combat configured AC-130 in July without immediate tanker support, cause guess what...they'd have to depart EAST to Dyess in order to onload enough fuel to make the next available airfield to the West. A departure from HRT without tanker support would literally make better time. With tanker support? Do the work to make a comparison of the routes. The result will suprise you. The users come to Cannon by force only. We used to have units show to HRT all the time, yes to get their yearly training in, but because their guys saw it as a desireable TDY location. Now they avoid it like the plague and only show when they have to. Camping, hunting, hiking? Yes, a 3hr drive away. Name a location in the U.S. where that isn't available within a 3hr drive. 1000 homes coming on the market you say? Awesome, I'm sure the guys that bought houses at extortion prices, because rentals and base housing were absolutely non-existant, will enjoy having a small market like that flooded with new/free/high-quality homes. That'll do wonders for their property values. And then compare snapshots of the units now vs. 6yrs ago. Sad. AFSOC is at Cannon to stay. I get it, deal with it. But quit reading Gen Wooley's talking paper to justify the location. The only justification is that AFSOC wanted a bigger footprint, more command billets, and more money under their control. End of story. Oh, except for the chance to cash in on shady real estate deals. You can include that, too.
    2 points
  8. White jets (i.e. P-cola instructor), ALO, 6th SOS and green door are all possible in theory for a 12S. In theory being the key part. In reality we're even more stuck than the 11Ss since they can at least go for RPAs or -328s or the extremely occasional -130. Affirm. My squadron DO, who is my deployed CC right now, did my 7-day opt counseling and basically agreed that based on what I was looking to do and the future of our community, the best option would be for me to get out. He also has good people skills, doesn't blow smoke up people's asses, and has a fair and frank assessment about some of the high-level decisions being made. So basically he is The Man...almost restores my faith in humanity WRT AFSOC leadership. I hope he continues to climb the ladder and is able to begin righting the ship. Looking forward to it. Parts of what you say are definitely true...the range issues we have with Eglin do not exist at Cannon and the WX should be better for the type of training our community needs too. I'll believe the rosy housing forecasts when I see them, because right now the rent people are asking there is out of control based both on the BAH people receive and also the true value of the property in Clovis, NM. Free markets don't work so well when there's a central planning mechanism that's feeding a large number of people into an area all at the same time. Here's to hoping that privatized housing helps ease the burden but I'm not holding my breath nor does it help the 69 U-28 families moving out there in the next 3-4 months. Regarding your above statement, how did they 7-day opt again? Or are you talking about people just running their mouths about their intentions of getting out ASAP. If it's the later, sorry, I know plenty of dudes who don't mind showing their cards because they have no chance at winning the hand either way, it's either all-in and accept the beatings until morale improves or fold when able. When the house has a straight-flush on your career and you have a pair of deuces, showing your cards doesn't really matter so much. Still not my preferred technique but to each his own when it comes to how you "manage your career" I guess. In theory I agree it's dumb for young pilots especially to express the desire to get out when they have IVO 6-7 years remaining on their commitment, but then again, the fact that they are speaking out tells you something about the state of the community doesn't it?
    2 points
  9. I am not too worried about being replaced by these things anytime too soon. Anyone that is familiar with these UAV's understands their actual capabilities and limitations. While the media and retard Generals wet themselves over these RC toys, their use and contribution still pales in comparison to manned aircraft. The one great advantage they do offer is loiter time. Ask anyone who has a ton of experience down range how many near mid-air's they have had with these RC airplanes. Look at the crash rates per sortie for UAV's. It is atrocious and it has not improved. Something as simple as a failed alternator will take these tinker toys down. Pay attention to these toys when dudes on the ground are getting shot at; they're too busy staring at the ######ing wings because god forbid a $5 million dollar aircraft encounter a few clouds or some trace icing. They fall out of the sky. Of course they won't tell that they're staring at wings, because they are only talking on the internet chat room. See how many of these three letter agency UAV's can't even talk to ATC because the radios suck balls. Finally, ask around and see if anyone else has experienced the random "hellfire going off through the stack" bullshit. Aside from the accidents and deaths that will be associated with these shitballs falling out of the sky, flying them in the NAS will be entertaining because the truths will come out. Problem is, exactly what is the purpose for this? I don't remember them staring at many things we didn't plan to attack or kill.
    2 points
  10. Drelyn8, You brought up a good point in the fact that a lot of us throw around terms like Formal Release and people not yet in the military or at UPT/UNT may have no clue as to what they mean. Here's a few terms off the top of my head... FORMAL RELEASE - This is an Air Force thing. You don't leave until you flight commander releases you. Usually at the 11 hour and 59 minute mark, unless that doesn't give you 12 hours till the next days events, then it may be earlier. This usually ends at the end of final contact, about 6-8 weeks into Phase 2. It happens again in T-38's and T-1's. It sucks. FORMAL BRIEF - Usually happens first thing in the morning in Tweets. The IP's walk in, the room comes to attention, the SRO reports the flight in, the weather is briefed, and then it's time for Stand-up and Shotgun questions. SHOTGUN - The IP will go around the room and ask a smorgasboard of questions. When he gets to you, you will stand at attention and answer it. If you get it right, you sit down. If you get it wrong, you remain standing until someone gets it right. When someone gets it right, they'll go back to the first person to get it wrong and ask a new question. So, if you keep getting them wrong, you'll be standing there like an idiot for a long time. STAND-UP - The IP will present an emergency situation, and then call on a student. That student will stand at a desk facing the podium with his/her checklist and inflight guide and work through the EP as if he/she was the pilot in command. If he/she messes up, he sits down and a new student gets called on. This also sucks. BOLDFACE - Critical action emergency procedure checklists that must be memorized. These are also written verbatim by the students for grading. DOR or SIE - Drop on Request or Self-Induced Elimination. Basically resigning or quitting pilot training. HOOK or TACO - An unsatisfactory overall grade on a ride. Happens to everyone eventually. The terms ar based on the fact that a U shows on your gradesheet, resembling a taco. "I Hooked the ride/test/standup." or "He gave me the Taco." or "I made a run for the border on that flight." Sometimes, this will be presented silently by merely making your hand into a U like you are eating a taco. TRACK SELECT - Happens at the end of Tweets/Texans. This is where you see your fate decided (actually, you decided it based on performance and merit). You buy beer and pizza for everyone, then you stand before the crowd while your IP's basically roast you for a few minutes, then you turn around and see if you are going T-38's, T-1's, T-44's or H-1's. There's tons more, but I hope this helps.
    1 point
  11. You mean the same folks that in the 90s were saying we'd be flying hypersonic fighters on the edge of space that used directed energy weapons by now? How'd that work out? Don't get me wrong. RPAs have done outstanding work, and will continue to grow in complexity and capability. But as many have pointed out, there remain a ton of obstacles to overcome before we're ready for Skynet to take over our battles for us. Predicting that we'll overcome all of them in the next 15 years? Ballsy move, Cotton....
    1 point
  12. Those fighters are just doing their best impressions of a KC-135 during a coronet.
    1 point
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTZXp0dSzTw But I think what they are saying is you can but a 1 ft tall Yeager with his signature for $10k, or you can donate to one of the 3 life-size statues that cost $150k
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. See, I told you I didn't know $h!t.
    1 point
  16. What planet are you living on? Say what you want about manning and the way big blue is feeding Cannon, but the airspace, routes, and range are far better than anything else in AFSOC. Eglin range is just that "Eglin", AFSOC is far lower on the priority list. Are you really trying to tell me A-77, A-78, and B-7 are better than what they have built at Melrose? By the way, Melrose belongs to AFSOC and they set the priority. Hornet and Osprey are great routes with far more terrain than anything I've seen within 300 miles of Hurlburt. Two impact areas, tow dirt LZ's, LVA pads, and the terrain looks like where we fight. As for a west coast base, it was NOT to be closer to users, it was supposed to reduce deployment time to the Pacific. One of the great benefits of Melrose is you can bring the users to you, more head on pillow time while still getting high end training. I wonder how many of the folks that 7 day opted out of Cannon have actually been to Cannon? I heard a few Einsteins who had more than two years of remaining ADSC (including once with 4 years), are in that group. Way to make a statement and burn your bridge, you are still going to Cannon. If you been to Cannon and you hate it, so be it, but to burn a bridge on word of mouth is simply dumb. Believe it or not there are a lot of folks that actually like Cannon. Is it on the Emerald Coast, nope, but if you like camping, hunting, hiking, and an overseas unit feel then it is not a bad place to be for a few years. They just signed the privatized housing deal and 1,000 new homes are on the way over the next three years, that will make a huge difference. I fully understand no one wants to stay at Cannon forever, (actually some do, a lot of folks move their against their will and have now retired there), I hope they find a way to rotate folks around, but to bitch about it or burn a career when you've never been there is just plain stupid.
    1 point
  17. Weak and unconvincing argument. Just because the Tea Party adopted the Gadsden Flag doesn't negate its long and proud history and use in this country. And if you look closely, the one in question is not even the same as the traditional flag being used by the Tea Party. If you can prohibit the use of a national symbol so easily, then I guess you are going to do the same for the bald eagle because the NRA uses it in its logo... And to the elected douchebags of New Rochelle from the proud citizens of Texas..."come and take it!"
    1 point
  18. Also...I hear China is a growing threat and there's instability in the middle-east.
    1 point
  19. That's some funny shit right there... i don't care who you are!
    1 point
  20. Yep, I did. I turned down continuation and left "involuntarily" without a dime from the .mil. I'm slightly scared shitless, but one of the first things I am going to do is ditch my horribly negative attitude. Not being in the AF will help drastically. Good luck to y'all.
    1 point
  21. Coming up on my 20th year in the AF, I have no real idea of WTF the SECAF actually does. The last one I heard speak was Roach, and all I could do was stand and marvel at the two largest desert flight suits ever made. That were ruthlessly torn apart and reconstructed into this massive tan thing covering Jabba the Hut as he tried to motivate we merry few occupying that small bit of Afghanistan. I was further distracted by the smaller folk getting closer and closer before I realized he was generating his own gravitational field, and starting throwing rescue ropes to help out. Seriously, civilian control, yadda yadda yadda, WTF does the SECAF do?
    1 point
  22. This is not about women being in the SEALs or SF, this is about female officers checking an infantry box and making rank.
    1 point
  23. I'll add a few more to the thread: Informal Release - Your flight's reward for hard work and good performace. While on informal release, you will still show up in the morning for the formal brief. However, through the rest of the day, you will be allowed to leave the flight room as long as you don't have any events scheduled. Normally you will have to show back up at the flight room every flying period to see if the scheduler has anything for you. 88 ride (Progress Check) - An extra ride given after your first checkride bust or after hooking three daily flights in a row. The purpose is to see if you will progress normally at UPT. If you pass the ride, no further action is taken. If you hook it, you go to an 89 ride. 89 ride (Elimination Check) - Stay away from these. You only get one 88 ride, after that you will always go to an 89 ride. The flight is about the same as a 88 except that it is flown with the SQ/CC or the DO. If you hook this one, you go to a Commander's Board. In other words, you're gone. Slackademics - Self explanitory. Your last freedom for 52 weeks. EPQ or Stan Test - Written tests given once a week testing your general knowledge. Normally about 20 question. 85% and higher is passing. Double Turn, Triple Turn - Means you have either two or three events scheduled back to back. Triple turns SUCK. If you are scheduled for a triple, make sure to bring some snacks for in between each flight, because you'll start dragging ass. If you're doing three flights in a row, expect to hook your last one since your head tends to find it's way up your ass after the second flight. PD
    1 point
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