You can try to distance the gunship from the "combat" heritage all you want, but the AC-119 project was codenamed "Combat Hornet". The Spooky and Spectre had their programs named differently IIRC, and it wasn't adopted for whatever reason.
Is it ALL of the AFSOC heritage? Certainly not. Is it part of it? Without a doubt. I didn't name the projects, and neither did anyone who flies the planes now, but it doesn't mean we have any reason to snub what heritage is there just because it isn't deemed "cool". Many MDSs have nods to their predecessors in their aircraft or project name: PAVE, SENIOR, RIVET, etc. For whatever reason "Combat" was chosen by the folks back then for some of AFSOC's programs. It is what it is, get over it.
I personally think we should name every AFSOC aircraft "Combat ____". Not for heritage's sake, but because of the unfathomable amount of sand it packs into peoples' vaginas.